About Life Coaching
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I help Christian women find purpose with their pain. Think of how a woman is here in life, and she wants to get over there>>>. I help her close that gap. And many of my clients want help to get their stories out and into a book(s). I help them with that as well so that they can offer hope to others. Schedule a 20 minute complimentary coach strategy call today. Book a time! Click to receive my first coaching book FREE for you!
A little of my journey…years ago, I longed to connect the dots to my story. Starved emotionally, I felt as if my heart was slaughtered. Finally, a BIG dot was connected. Emotional Abuse!
Picture living in an environment where your thoughts, words, and desires are ignored, negated, and stepped on day after day for over a quarter of a century! Emotional abuse-plenty of pain and mess!
I stood up for the truth and on the Truth and God healed my mutilated heart. Years slipped on by. Then a surprise love gift arrived in my life. And many thought GOD was turning my story around and I did too. Three books rolled off the press and then a shot of human betrayal and cruelty you can’t imagine. None of this pain was in my life plan or desire. Yet, NOTHING misses Father God’s eyes!
- Can you relate to pain and not your plan?
- Do you long for more passion, peace and purpose ?
- Do you want to use your pain for purpose?
- If so, don’t miss out, Schedule a free chat coaching session!
I help women recycle their pain to purpose so that they can live a life of wholeness and fulfillment making a difference with their life, their books or with another creative outlet such as music or the arts. I have coaching spots open. Or jump into this Most Popular Course! and discover your strengths, your gifts, your talents, and step into ALL GOD has created you for as your life message counts. – Read and Purchase!
No one can produce great things who is not thoroughly sincere in dealing with himself. James R Lowell
Credentials: Published Author of Four books so far. Four Coaching Certifications, BA Degree, The School of Tremendous Emotional Pain, Life Experiences, Life-long learner, & Lover of the Word! I have coached women for 15 years, trained personally in all my coaching credentials by Dr. Katie Brazelton, founder of Life Purpose Coaching Centers International®. Dr. Brazelton’s best selling books, The Pathway to Purpose for Women series was published by Zondervan. A slice of my story is in Dr. Brazelton’s Live Big coaching book. I am a Certified Life Purpose Coach®, Life Coach, Grief-loss Coach, and Recovery Coach, as well as a Lifetime Coach Instructor. BA Degree in education with 18 years of teaching children and over 18 years of teaching women. There is no greater joy than living out what you were created for! Your heart knows it. You’re in sync! Let’s chat!
- 4 Registered members
Life Purpose Coaching – Programs
Learn to live beyond emotional pain!
Do you long to live beyond the emotional pain? Or to live beyond
Successful Recipes for Christian Women Writers to know “how to.”
Enroll in the DIY course and receive the 11 How to Recipes for
VIP – Golden Life Purpose Coaching Package for YOU
You want guidance. And you want someone that has discernment and wisdom to
Recycle your Pain with Life Purpose Coaching today
Do you want to use your pain for purpose so that you can
Enable Me Lord To Shift – Book 1
Are you stuck in idle? Anxiety, abuse, fear, divorce, pornography, chaos or ___?
Enable Me Lord To Shift – Book 2
Do you second guess yourself? Do you feel a bit crazy? And fear,
Enable Me Lord To Shift – Book 3
What do you do with your feelings? Sadness self-hatred, regrets, worry, hopelessness and
Enable Me Lord To Shift – Book 4
Are you lonely? Starved for real relationships? Is social media, the virtual world,
What people say about Life Coach
CharI had experienced some traumatic spiritual events that left me feeling confused, hurt, abandoned and ashamed (and I was embracing those lies). I took the bold step of obedience to God and committed to one year of Life Purpose Coaching with Darlene, Hearts with a Purpose. Darlene coached me toward God’s Truth and helped me unveil my Kingdom Purpose. Almost two years later, I continue to step forward in God’s service with joy in my heart. I have renewed purpose, a new church, and enjoying new relationships with Christian women. Thank you, Jesus, for Darlene’s passion as a Life Purpose Coach. Her love and encouragement helped me to transform my tragedy to triumph – all for the Glory of God.
Diana I am 65 years young and want to thank you, Darlene, from the bottom of my heart for coaching me. I have grown tremendously in my faith, self-image, people pleasing past, and in my marriage relationship. You spoke Gods Truth in our coaching time and helped me dig deep to discover that God has given me a life purpose to serve Him with the strengths and talents that He gave me to use for His glory. I am excited about where my life is headed now and I want to encourage any lady out there that is struggling to be open to coaching. May God Bless You Greatly. Love, Diana
ErikaGod designed each and every human in His image and for His glory. But this side of Heaven we are met with challenges that can overwhelm the mind, heart, and soul. Life Coaching, and Darlene specifically have played a key role in helping me focus on my identity first as a child of God and secondly articulate my purpose here on earth. I have a new sense of value as a woman, wife, mother, daughter, and friend.
Lindy“Darlene is a great coach, with a big heart. I was in a difficult season, and transition. Through Darlene’s coaching process, I was able to navigate through new realities, and hard choices. The outcome was freeing! I came to realize that I could let go, and embrace my new mission without giving up my dreams.”
I pray blessings over you! You are truly a gift to women!
KourtneyDarlene’s passion for teaching and love for God’s Word has been foundational to my spiritual growth with the Lord. Having taken her Strength Finder’s class was such an eye-opening experience for me. The class was a key that unlocked my strengths, allowing me to live freely as the woman God created me to be. Making the decision to be coached by Darlene is a decision that still benefits me today.