Engaging, inspiring, challenging.

God has gifted Darlene Larson with the ability to teach, speak, and coach from a stage to stir the hearts of her audience and inspire them to embrace  their unique gifts and live a life full of purpose.

Discover the transformative power of Darlene Larson’s teachings as she guides you on a journey of emotional healing and personal growth. She utilizes her rich life experiences and biblical wisdom to empower women to turn their struggles into strengths.

While Darlene has an exhaustive list of speaking topics, she works with event coordinators to craft a message that speaks to the specific needs of their audience.  Plus, her 31-day devotional series Enable me, Lord, to Shift, and her soon to be published book, Leading You Through the Valley, a personalized grief-loss coaching book are for sale at events.


You brought me to tears. Thank you for sharing your story.


Keynote Messages, Lunch and Learn Talks, Retreats, Mother-Daughter Events, Workshops… my presentations can be tailored for your specific needs. Your attendees will come away feeling as though they’ve had a personal coaching session, even in the midst of hundred attendees!

I also speak to community groups and non-profit organizations that promote life!

Keynote Addresses


Miracles from the Mess or Pain to Purpose

Deaths. Divorce. Disease. Disappointments. Where are you God? Recognize His loving hand of weaving in your story to turn a mess into a miracle or to recycle the pain to purpose.


Bankrupt to Blessed / Bent Over to Being Bold

How do you respond when the bottom drops out of your life? Can any good from that? Discover how trustworthy God is and be blessed while becoming bold. 


Don't Miss Your Assignment

Women wear multiple hats and juggle many roles. Until she ponders, there has to be more in life than this. What is it? What am I missing? Discover your unique purpose which brings your heart alive!


Shredded Red Bow

I didn’t expect that. This is not my life plan. How does a woman piece her life back together when it’s been shredded? Discover His Divine Design for your Red Bow!


From Toxicity to Treasured

Toxicity is poison and often found on women that lived in or have been abused. Learn how to strip off the emotional tag along that come from abuse (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and sexual) and learn how to live being a Treasured Daughter of the King. Embrace the Truth of who He says you are!

Learn to Live Beyond Emotional Pain

Sadness? Alone? Loneliness? Boredom? Is God able to fill the soul holes? Yes, He is. Learn how to move through and shift from the emotional pain and experience peace, clarity, purpose, passion, joy, and great contentment.


Hope for the Hurting

Loss comes in all sizes and shapes. The loss of a loved one, a divorce, a relocation, a loss of a job, a fractured relationship, a loss of a pet and on and on we could go. Loss hurts. Learn how to move through the hurt to get to the other side to offer comfort to others?

Your Life Matters

Tis true. One life—yours, He allows you breath. Discover your uniqueness and heighten your awareness of your life purpose to become a Harvest Worker in the Kingdom!

The Surrendered Gift of Motherhood

Motherhood may be the hardest role you’ll experience and yet the most blessed. So what does a mom do when motherhood fails to give back what she dreamed of? How does she choose to respond? Learn how to surrender and entrust the Creator with your child. After all, you don’t own your child/children—they’re on loan to you and to me. Thank you, Father, for the gift of motherhood.

  • A Day on Purpose (Or Retreat) Read more!
  • The Bent Over Woman- God’s restoration
  • Mirror Mirror, who am I?
  • Good Orderly Direction – GOD!
  • God’s Grace with Girlfriends
  • ABC’s of Women Friendships 
  • Discover How to Balance Your Life
  • No longer part of the Shame Game – Get Rid of the should’ve, ought to, and you better!
  • The Queen of Fear
  • Anger and Woman, what do you do?
  • Change Disappointments to His Appointments
  • Unwrap the Wealth in the Wait
  • Be Bold & Courageous to Face the Unknown
  • A Purpose Party
  • CPR for Womanhood
  • Two trainings to ministry leaders and business owners to grow an environment of peace instead of toxicity!
  • Toxic People, how do I relate, and
  • Learn how to confront in Truth with kindness.

No woman’s story is too far gone for the Lord to redeem.


It was a fantastic show. C afterwards said you were one of the best guests we’ve had and she loved your spirit. I couldn’t agree more.

~Jennifer, MI Director of AARP

God’s hand is clear and evident in your life and your ministry.  Each time you spoke this last week and weekend, I witnessed the Joy of Christ on your face and in your demeanor.  You are making a difference in the lives of those you touch. 

~Pastor Jeff, New Hope Church, E. Tawas, MI

You touched the heart of my friend, who is 70 years old and adopted. She was blessed to hear of how wanted she was, as she has struggled all her life with being adopted. Now she sees she was wanted, chosen, and planned by GOD. Your words touched her. You shared a different perspective with wanting to adopt and waiting and praying for your children. Thank you.

~Anonymous attendee

I just wanted to thank-you for your time and your teaching. I enjoyed your messages on both Saturday and Sunday, and I respect your passion, boldness, and handling of the Word.


When I looked around the room all eyes were focused on you. ( I did not see people checking their Facebook!) Not only did I see their attention but I saw tears. You were exceptional…you touched lives.


  • You are a natural. ~Real Possibilities TV SHOW
  • Keep on speaking in your love zone of purpose, Darlene! ~Susan, Women’s Ministry Director
  • Darlene, you keep your audience engaged. ~Attendee
  • I appreciate your authenticity. You encourage me! ~Attendee
  • Darlene, you brought me to tears. ~Attendee, Fundraising Event for Harbor Lights Pregnancy & Info. Center
  • Darlene is a fantastic communicator and teacher. ~ CMC Workshop Attendee
  • Darlene is an amazing speaker. She offers the audience steps to orient them toward GOD and a plan for their life. ~ Workshop Attendee


25 Calendar of Events

24 Calendar of Events

  • March 1-2, Church Ministries Conference
  • April 5  United Methodist Church – (3 Churches -Mid-MI) Hope for The Hurting  – Grief-Loss Speaker/Coach
  • April 25-27, The Well Conference for Christian Creatives Three Workshops Speaker/Teacher:  Create While in Grief. Belief Drives Behavior. Which book to write first?
  • May 3 United Methodist Church – (3 Churches – Mid-MI) Hope for The Hurting  – Grief-Loss Speaker/Coach ​
  • June 7th United Methodist Church – (3 Churches – Mid-MI) Hope for The Hurting  – Grief-Loss Speaker/Coach ​
  • July 11-13, Speak Up Conference
  • September 6, United Methodist Church – (3 Churches – Mid-MI) Hope for The Hurting  – Grief-Loss Speaker/Teacher/Coach ​
  • September 19, ACFW Virginia Royal Writers Webinar Series for Writers!  Click here to Register! 
  • September 28, Grace Adventures Women Retreat Workshop Speaker
  • Ocotber 4, United Methodist Church – (3 Churches – Mid-MI) Hope for The Hurting  – Grief-Loss Speaker/Teacher/Coach ​​
  • October 5, Grace Adventures Women Retreat Workshop Speaker
  • October 12,  Grace Adventures Women Retreat Workshop Speaker
  • November 1, United Methodist Church – (3 Churches – Mid-MI) Hope for The Hurting  – Grief-Loss Speaker/Teacher/Coach ​
  • More to come!


    AARP TV show Real Possiblities!
    2023 EVENTS
    • Jan. 1, 2023 Radio Interview.
    • Feb. 5th, 2023.  Sunday p.m. – Grafted -Magnify Church, Rockford, MI
    • Feb. 9th Online Training- Learn How to Confront!
    • Feb. 23rd.9:00 P.M PJNET.TV- Click to View!
    • March 10-11 Church Ministries Conference!
    • April 20-22,  See You at The Well Conference
    • May 15-16 MomFerence Online
    • July 13-15, 2023  SpeakUp Conference!
    • August 17, 2023 – recorded Real Possibilities, TV SHOW.
    • November 15th –  Selected as one of 16 Over 60 Engaged & Inspiring Individuals in Kent County MI to be honored at a Gala! 2023 Honorees!
    • December – Live Stream for AARP of MI- Discover Your Life Purpose! Listen in!
    2022 EVENTS
    • Church Ministries Conference, March 4-5, 2022.  4 Power Packed Workshops!
    • Reframe Retreat – New Hope Church, East Tawas MI. April 2, 2022
    • The Well Conference – April 28-30th 2022!  2 Workshops
    • Faculty Member at Speak Up 2022, article: Preparing our Hearts for SpeakUp! 
    • ZOOM Speaker for Kate Sheehy ministry. Sept 2022
    • A Splash of the Well – September 17th- West MI
    • Keynote Speaker – Harbor Lights Pregnancy & Information Center-Fund Raiser Event, East Tawas, MI Oct. 6th, 2022
    • A Day on Purpose – New Hope Church, East Tawas MI. October 8, 2022



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