How do I create a purpose driven life?

How do I create a purpose driven life?

So where do we begin to know our purpose and to create a purpose driven life, thus living out purposeful days? Revelation 4:11,” Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and...
Are you riding an emotional roller coaster ride?

Are you riding an emotional roller coaster ride?

Many women live day by day riding an emotional roller coaster ride. They allow their fickle feelings to dictate and set their gauge to live by. Then they get stuck in a reactive ride that doesn’t produce the life they want. It takes work to unlearn the emotions that...
5 Tips to Survive a Holiday!

5 Tips to Survive a Holiday!

5 Tips to Survive a Holiday! No matter the holiday, holidays can leave someone longing and craving and wanting more.  The normal routine stops. Silence slinks in. Our rhythm is changed up. And an inner empty space is exposed. Holidays highlight that empty ache more so...
10 ways to move past emotional abuse.

10 ways to move past emotional abuse.

When I was stuck in the abuse for over a quarter of a century, I knew it was wrong, but I did not have a name for it. I knew of marriages, like my parents, which did not have all of the friction and chaos. But, I kept praying, hoping, looking, trying harder, and...
Made to follow your creative lead!

Made to follow your creative lead!

Created in the image of GOD. We are meant to create.  We were made to follow our creative lead! Do you know what you are to create?  Read along as I share one woman’s story to wield her pen: As a young girl, perhaps 9 or 10 years of age, this woman received a little...
A hidden message from my mom’s pen!

A hidden message from my mom’s pen!

The Hidden Message Of Mom’s Ink Cartridge Pen My mother had little free time, but when she did, there was a special pen that graced her hands—her blue fountain pen. The tip of the pen resembled the look of today’s calligraphy pens. However, being a farmer’s wife...