What captures your heart?

What captures your heart?

What captures your heart? For me, it’s learning!   I knew in 3rd grade I was meant to be a teacher. I hungered to grow and learn.  I arrived home from  school one day and my observant mother noticed I had a nice new black and white 9 x 11 spelling book. I was...
What does shame do to a woman?

What does shame do to a woman?

What does shame do to a woman? Shame sucks life from a woman! Carrie hung her head. Premarital sex, exotic dancer, and only she knew more of the sex stories. All were part of her résumé of shame. However, her actions changed when she met Jesus. But the shameful scenes...
Who or what are you listening to?

Who or what are you listening to?

Who are you listening to? What are you listening to? Recently a woman said, “I have switched radio stations. I listen only to Christian music.” And she added, “WOW, what a difference.” … I love this picture (above). It breeds and feeds...
Do you know your story?

Do you know your story?

Do you know your story? Years ago, I read the book by Dan Allender called to be told, KNOW YOUR STORY-SHAPE YOUR FUTURE!  It’s published by Waterbrook Press. And I highly recommend it. “Since our stories reveal God, no story is ours alone. All our stories...
Does my life matter?

Does my life matter?

Does my life matter? Yes. YES. YES!!!  Believe the TRUTH!  You are needed. You story matters. Your voice counts. You have something to offer to a hurting world that needs your pain turned to purpose. A woman left me a VM today and with a shaky voice she said,...
How can I release my emotional pain?

How can I release my emotional pain?

A woman asks, “How can I release my emotional pain?” That is a great question. And I would ask, “Do you want to get it out of you?” It is one thing to know you have emotional pain and then it is another to want to do something about it. We were...