Are you riding an emotional roller coaster ride?
Many women live day by day riding an emotional roller coaster ride. They allow their fickle feelings to dictate and set their gauge to live by. Then they get stuck in a reactive ride that doesn’t produce the life they want. It takes work to unlearn the emotions that...
Three steps to shrink fear!
Fear can be a monster in our life, so how do we shrink it? Try these three steps to bust through its stronghold. "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" (II Timothy 1:7, KJV) Power. Love. Sound Mind. Fear was all...
5 Tips to Survive a Holiday!
5 Tips to Survive a Holiday! No matter the holiday, holidays can leave someone longing and craving and wanting more. The normal routine stops. Silence slinks in. Our rhythm is changed up. And an inner empty space is exposed. Holidays highlight that empty ache more so...
10 ways to move past emotional abuse.
When I was stuck in the abuse for over a quarter of a century, I knew it was wrong, but I did not have a name for it. I knew of marriages, like my parents, which did not have all of the friction and chaos. But, I kept praying, hoping, looking, trying harder, and...
Made to follow your creative lead!
Created in the image of GOD. We are meant to create. We were made to follow our creative lead! Do you know what you are to create? Read along as I share one woman’s story to wield her pen: As a young girl, perhaps 9 or 10 years of age, this woman received a little...
Does emotional pain come with your Mother’s Day?
Mother's Day and emotional pain can come together. I discovered this years ago, and more recently when I wrote a blog that had a high amount of readers on Mother's Day! Mother’s Day can be so hard! Brutal for many, why? A woman wants to become a mom and she isn't a...
Why is emotional abuse so painful?
What 's the deal with emotional abuse? Is it that painful? What does it look like? It pierces the heart into little pieces and only the recipient of the abuse feels it. I hated his actions. Why did he not listen? Traveling and sleeping in the same room with her and...
How do I grow my voice and confront?
Is it time to grow your voice and learn to confront? To confront means to gain clarity and understanding by asking questions to deal with something in an honest and direct way, so you can learn to move through a tough situation. How do you learn to navigate those...
Harvesting the gold from your story!
It takes work, but that is okay, as anything of value in life will require you to get real and gut it out, to gain clarity and grit, to harvest the gold from your stories of life. Learning about your story is not just gathering information. It's learning what to do...
How can I change?
I was starved for a more meaningful purpose for my existence. However, my enemy spoke contrary and fear was the weapon being used to control me. And the web of fear was all over me STOPPING ME and sticking to me from living, really living. I was tired and tied up in a...
How do I forgive myself?
Women rail and flog themselves with self-defeating statements. Christian or non-Christin; Look at me; look at what I said, what I thought, what I did, and/or what I did not do. And by the way, they did not respond how I wanted them to. What is the matter with me? How...