Does your heart hunger for purpose?
Does your heart hunger for purpose? What is the life message on your heart? You have a heart. You ‘re reading this blog post? Why? And, you are breathing, right? Then guess what, you have a heart with a purpose. A Heart with a Purpose Do you long for peace and passion amidst the clutter…
What do women gain with life purpose coaching?
What do women gain with life purpose coaching? If I were to sum up in one word what I have gained from my year with Darlene, it would be FREEDOM. After my first coaching consultation with Darlene and receiving her first book, HOPE blossomed in my heart. A couple months into coaching, I proclaimed this year,…
How to be content?
How to be content? The Art of Contentment How are you doing in this department? We live in a society that opposes contentment. The day I started writing this blog I was content working, sipping delicious coffee and within minutes zip, zoom, and zing went my thoughts after bumping up against some disappointments. I had…
How do I discover my Life Purpose?
How do I discover my life purpose? I want to know it, so how do I discover it? This is a BIG question and hard to answer in a short blog. There are many books written on this topic. I know my discovery pathway was like a hunt. It does take time, bowing, diligence, and…
Who is the real mom?
Who is the real mom? In this post, let me ask you, who is the real mom? Three women’s decisions have shaped my life in a profound way and allowed me to become a mom. They are called birth mothers. Two I have met. One, I will never meet, unless a miracle of God. The…
Are you in emotional pain on Mother’s Day?
Are you in emotional pain on Mother’s Day? Mother’s Day can be so hard!! Brutal for some women. And here are a few reasons and I will leave a blank one for you to respond to. You always wanted to become a mom and you are not a mom. Your mom was not a great…
A mom’s final days – Happy Mother’s Day!
A mom’s final days – Happy Mother’s Day! “For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” Psalms 139:13 and 14a I wrote most of this back in April 2011. And today, is the first time I post this…
What is a mom? A-Z Tribute of my Mom!
What is a mom? A-Z Tribute of my Mom! Happy Mother’s Day to you if you landed here over Mother Day’s weekend, and if you are not a mom, then happy daughter day to you! Mother’s Day comes with a lot of mix emotions for many women. I have seen my blog numbers go sky…
How do I shift away from speaking with a razor sharp tongue?
How do I shift away from speaking with a razor sharp tongue of criticalness? First, let’s take inventory. We must start with reality in order to deal with our life and grow. Are you critical? Has someone told YOU that you are critical? Do you walk into a room and slice it apart as you…
Are you a needy woman?
Are you a needy woman? It’s human nature to want to be needed. Yet women can get stuck in transitions in life. Like purely stuck with complacency or in comfortableness. And yet others move on and you’re reaching out your hand saying, no, no, no, don’t grow up, as then what will I do when…
Can emotional wounds hold us back from living out our life purpose?
Can emotional wounds hold us back from living out our life purpose? YES, they can! Are you aware of any emotional wounds that hold you back? Do any of these words resonate with you? Denial. You expect a different outcome, yet you repeat and repeat and repeat the same “ole” pattern that keeps you stuck!…
How do I step forward when stuck?
How do I step forward when stuck? I tried to figure out how God was going to turn my life around. My overly analytical mind swung into full speed. I had asked Jesus, Creator of my life, at least a thousand different times, how God? And I flipped my thoughts over by the minute, as…