When life meets death how will you survive?
When life meets death, how will you survive? Dropping to my knees on a bed of fresh pine needles, along my favorite wooded trail, I rubbed my heart. Tears leaked. “God where are you?” I screamed. Psalm 62:8 states, “Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your...
12 Warnings for Women Stuck in Abuse!
12 Warnings for Women Stuck in Abuse Awareness, if you are waiting for him or her to change, STOP. Take action to grow and change you to get un stuck. Reality is you can NOT make anyone change. You cannot. Only you can shrink your pain. 12 Warnings for Women Stuck in...
What’s the meaning of life?
What is the meaning of life, when loss and grief and sorrow seem to be a daily diet? Why the pain? What is this life all about? What good can come from that? What is my life purpose? And what is the meaning of life? I asked myself all of these questions and many more...
Five Truths to Face about Narcissism!
Five Truths to Face about Narcissism with the Piercings of Abuse! If you're living in the evil land of abuse with someone that is full of themself and entitled, you will be led to believe something that is not reality. The abuser skews and taints your mind and in a...
11 Heartfelt Issues Women Want to Overcome!
11 Heartfelt Issues Women Want to Overcome! 1. To know they are not alone with a hard story or in a season of hard. 2. To know that it takes time to work through loss. 3. To know how to heal and grow through loss and their story. And I teach that in my next book...
How do we turn our life around when we doubt ourselves?
I desperately needed to start now. I asked God to turn my life around. My family had collapsed and my abuser cast doubt on God’s Word and my worth. I second-guessed everything; however, I knew God was real, and His Truth was all I had. I pressed more and more into...
Feedback from Darlene Larson’s speaking
Feedback from Darlene Larson's Speaking! Hope for the Hurting talk! - Darlene Larson, Hearts With A Purpose Darlene Larson is a fantastic communicator and teacher. She presented the five steps to begin to travel through grief and loss clearly and concisely. Darlene...
Three feelings we may have when we are not living our purpose!
You may sense these within you. Three feelings we may have when we are not living out our purpose! You feel as if you are a spectator of life, just going through all the doing, the doing, the doing, and a perpetual lingering exhaustion haunts you and bites at your...
The best advice for grief, loss, and betrayal is go through it!
Grief and loss comes in all sizes and shapes. The best advice for grief, loss, and betrayal is to go through it. What do I mean by that? Process it. Work through it all. Do not remain stuck. Get help in counseling and or both coaching too. First, become aware of what...
How do you survive emotional abuse?
How do you survive emotional abuse? I never expected emotional abuse when I said, "I do." What about you, what happened in your story, that you did not expect? Become aware if you are in abuse. Emotional abuse is a stand alone abuse. Your heart can be...
How do you accept betrayal, grief and loss?
How do you accept betrayal, grief, and loss? What do you do when you are so tired of stuffing and/or faking the emotional pain from a loss? You mask the pain and yet the mask you hide behind no longer covers it or gives you what you want. Your mask can be busyness,...
How do we live in uncertain times?
How do you live in uncertain times? For this answer I know it well, keep reading. For over twenty five years I lived in a marriage of abuse. Living in abuse and our current culture is growing closer in looks by the day. In abuse, uncertainty is bedrock to keep the...