Five Recipes to Destress this Holiday Season!

Five Recipes to Destress this Holiday Season!

Five Recipes to Destress this Holiday Season! We all know the picture. Running here and there making memories and merry. Yet, we are running on empty and depleted and burdened. Shopped out, and now we have baking to do and the nights are packed to attend the school...

Three steps to move Truth from head to heart!

Three steps to move Truth from head to heart!

How do I move the Truth from my head to my heart?  Three steps to move the Truth from head to heart! Many women grew up in church. Sat in pews. Heard Truth. Read Truth. Jumped into activities, served, but none of these things have changed their lives. What’s missing?...

My clients share the value in being coached!

My clients share the value in being coached!

Clients and conference attendees share their take away ... I appreciate it when my clients send me feedback and those that hear me speak at churches, conferences, and at their events. My clients share the value in being coached! Thank you, Darlene, I would not be...

Go toward the pain to grieve!

Go toward the pain to grieve!

Jesus understands you and your pain! He had  pain too! Go toward the pain to grieve! I pressed into the pain while I stood at my brother's casket. Physically I didn't touch him, but I leaned in and prayed, "LORD, help me grieve as I am so tired of emotional pain, I...

Learn how to STOP second-guessing!

Learn how to STOP second-guessing!

Learn to STOP your second-guessing! What if? Why did I do that? Maybe I shouldn't? What if this happens now?  Doubt is cast upon you.  Then you second guess yourself. Fear climbs right up inside you! Then you change your mind. And you STOP what you were going to...

When life meets death how will you survive?

When life meets death how will you survive?

When life meets death, how will you survive?  Dropping to my knees on a bed of fresh pine needles, along my favorite wooded trail, I rubbed my heart. Tears leaked. “God where are you?” I screamed. Psalm 62:8 states, “Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your...

12 Warnings for Women Stuck in Abuse!

12 Warnings for Women Stuck in Abuse!

12 Warnings for Women Stuck in Abuse Awareness, if you are waiting for him or her to change, STOP. Take action to grow and change you to get un stuck. Reality is you can NOT make anyone change. You cannot. Only you can shrink your pain. 12 Warnings for Women Stuck in...

What’s the meaning of life?

What’s the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life, when loss and grief and sorrow seem to be a daily diet? Why the pain?  What is this life all about? What good can come from that? What is my life purpose? And what is the meaning of life? I asked myself all of these questions and many more...

Five Truths to Face about Narcissism!

Five Truths to Face about Narcissism!

Five Truths to Face about Narcissism with the Piercings of Abuse! If you're living in the evil land of abuse  with someone that is full of themself and entitled, you will be led to believe something that is not reality. The abuser skews and taints your mind and in a...