The looming questions: Is this enough? Am I enough? DO I have enough? Did I do enough?

STOP already, what is enough? That one word trips many women up.

Living in an age that promotes self-sufficiency and the goddess of perfectionism a woman is caught in a snare. She views life through the lens of the world’s standard of magazines, TV shows, Facebook posts, and one internet site after another. Self-fix, she buys into that diet pill, facial makeover, fashionable outfit, new home or new husband, only to still lack. She falsely believes if she has more or does more, that will make her have enough and be enough.

I heard there are two types of fear people have. One fear is, I am not enough. The other fear, I do not have enough.

Which is yours?

No matter, which fear, deep down a woman yearns to be content, settled with herself, or whole and to let go of not enough or not good enough.

Yet that will only happen through an invisible umbilical cord attached to her Master Fashion Designer, God Himself. And only God knows the chiseling tool it will take to break through her mountain of self-sufficiency or pride. He will chisel though, as He desires to meet and fulfill her unmet need and remind her, that HE is enough.

To receive God requires a flying of the white surrender flag. To believe in a Being that you cannot physically touch or look straight in the eye to have a conversation with requires faith. But through the eyes of faith one can fall in love with Jesus.

  • He foreknew you.
  • Predestined you.
  • Created you.
  • Called you and justified you.
  • Open up your heart, let out the junk and let go of control.
  • Welcome Him in to fill the vacancy of an unmet need, but as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name.
  • Will you receive Jesus’s offer? As He is enough. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, (John 1:12 NASB).

I choose to surrender to receive and believe and that you are ENOUGH! Jesus is enough for all my needs and wholeness to make me enough.

Do you long to believe He is enough?

Read the Enable Me, Lord, to Shift books Enable Me, Lord, to Shift, books!to learn how your life can be changed to LIVE life and know He is enough!!