It all starts with you making a choice that you want more wholeness.
Draw your heart strings together!
Enable me, Lord, to shift—from living with a divided heart …To a whole heart.
Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.
(Psalm 86:11 NIV)
How do you bring wholeness into your heart?
Once upon a time Terri’s heart was divided. On one side was a man. And on the other side were her children and God. Yet she longed for more of the good life, which God promised in His Word. Can you relate to Terri’s heart?
Many women want wholeness. Yet it’s a challenge to grow a whole heart especially when our heart space is sliced or cut up into fragments.
And God is a jealous God. After all He made you and me. So when we betray His heart space to lesser lovers that are counterfeit and dull we can feel the pain and carry shameful scenes within our mind and heart.
Begin with this verse, “Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.” Sound simple? Try it. The main outcome is to fear God.
First, we are to ask Jesus, teach me. Teach me what? His way, after all He is the designer of our lives. Once we learn from our Teacher His ways, which is learning and applying His principles. We are then to rely on His faithfulness.
If your life is going easy does your faith grow? I think not. You depend on self. So look out as tests and trials come. They will teach us how to rely on God in order to grow our faith, if we surrender our divided heart.
Is it a man, which is causing a split heart, like Terri’s? Or other false gods like people pleasing, coveting, or jealousy which divide our heart?
Stop the obsession to the lesser god or person. Shrink its hold. Surrender it. Let it go. And rely on His faithfulness to fill the love emptiness.
Terri did. And she grew in love and in the fear of God!
- Name one sin or a relationship that is dividing your heart?
God wants our whole heart, as counterfeit is shallow and meaningless and it does catch up with us in life.
Grow you and draw your heart strings together and purchase Enable Me, Lord, to Shift, book #3