Abuse thrives in silence!
Facing abuse and addictions this Holiday – three survival tips!
The stage is set. Thanksgiving. Christmas. Family. Traditions. Past stories. Pressure. Pain. Family memories good and/or bad.
A woman scrolls her social media feed and/or checks on line for this or that. The powerful messages flash and splash through her mind of seeing that perfect holiday outfit, home, or husband. Expectations and disappointments rise and fall with each beat of her heart. And then she faces reality on the home front.
Ignored. Isolated. Workaholic. Doing all to please all. Super responsible, yet she has no authority. And communication is broken with her spouse, like they never finish a conversation. And she can not catch him, the addict in action.
Is it porn? Is it alcohol? Is it weed? What is he hiding behind and hiding in?
With the stage set for the holiday season and with addictions and with however that looks in your space, emotional abuse ramps up over holidays!
Holidays are lifted high in our world today! Almost to an unrealistic standard of – got to ATTAIN something so the true empty void will not surface to the top. We try to fill the empty soul hole with the addiction. It will not work however. As whatever the addiction is, it will only cause the addict to want it more.
Plus, the empty day or days of no work, an abuser feels that unease as their deep emotional pain or lack when a work schedule is clear and no work, now what? They go to extremes to make a holiday a day filled with activities, or to numb out. They stay in control and in power to avoid the emotional pain of emptiness. That happens when we live a life without a relationship with the Lord.
The realization for you, stuck in abuse, is the pain, when the holidays are to be memorable.
The holidays HIGHLIGHT the brokenness of a relationship!
And abuse thrives in silence. So what do you do? Three tips to survive!
- Remove yourself at the most pain filled times of the day or night. Find something of purpose for you.
- GO for a walk.
- Read a good book.
- Take a bike ride.
- Do something that gives you a purposeful good day.
2. Seek HELP for YOU and talk to someone during the holidays. Friend. Family. Coach. Someone you trust.
3. Set up boundaries to yes and to no, that will help empower you during the holidays. Learn how, if you do not know how. Set up a time for 20 minutes of coaching.
Let’s talk about boundary setting with coaching!
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