12 Warnings for Women Stuck in Abuse

  1. Awareness, if you are waiting for him or her to change, STOP.
  2. Take action to grow and change you to get un stuck.
  3. Reality is you can NOT make anyone change. You cannot.
  4. Only you can shrink your pain.

12 Warnings for Women Stuck in Abuse!

5.  It does take work. It will be hard. But it will ONLY get worse if you do not face and address your pain. We were made NOT to have pain grow in us, as that is not what God made us for.

6.  You must learn not to react, instead learn to respond.

7. Stop stuffing your pain as it only gets worse.

8.  Talk your pain out for healing in a safe way. The Word works. The Truth works. And having  a safe person to share with works. “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed”  (James 5:16a NASB). This also has to do with the sin that has been done to us besides what we have done to others.

9. Own your own junk.

10. You will want to grow a wise support team around you that will not mock you or gossip.

11. And you will want a trusting mirror in your life that speaks back your good and value about YOU to YOU!

12. Depending on how long you have lived in abuse, it will require work to get the lies off of you. But, what better way to use your time if you want to thrive, that is.

Only you can do your growth work. Thrive instead of barely survive purchase .Recycle the Pain!

From lifelessness to living a life of purpose!

A given if you have lived in abuse:

  • You doubt yourself.
  • You second guess yourself.
  • Your anxiety is over the top.
  • Fear is high on your life.
  • You get wrapped up in yourself and then you stop.
  • You have regrets.
  • You hurt.
  • You want more, but you think it is for everyone else.
  • You feel like you cannot get going forward in life and you want to. Eventually if you stick and step toward truth, the train of your life gets you moving along through coaching. 
  • What will you choose to do about your life? You are 100% responsible for your life.

#Economy is hit in abuse.  You are in the  #thickofit in abuse.  You want to be treated like #royals. And you are #worth it.