I desperately needed to start now. I asked God to turn my life around. My family had collapsed and my abuser cast doubt on God’s Word and my worth. I second-guessed everything; however, I knew God was real, and His Truth was all I had. I pressed more and more into God, as the Holy Spirit nudged me daily to the feeding trough of His Word.

How do we turn our life around when we doubt ourselves?

  • We have to check our thoughts and what we are chewing on. And that takes work.
  • Plus, we have to take audit of what is going on in our life.
  • And we have to examine the people in our life and ask the questions.

Who cast doubt on me and that stops me from going forward in my life?

Or who cast doubt on me and that makes me think differently and negatively about myself?

I was deceived. I needed to bank my life on the Truth. My life hinged on whether or not God was real.

  • Betrayed.
  • Bullied.
  • Ignored.
  • Rejected.
  • Threatened.
  • Unloved.
  • Alone.
  • Manipulated.
  • Criticized.
  • Abused.
  • Homeless.
  • Divorced.

We must take audit and BE honest with ourselves.

The Truth is…

Apart from God, spiritually, we are an empty being.

Apart from God, mentally, we are deceived.

Apart from God, emotionally, our feelings control us.

Apart from God, physically, we vegetate in a mess of laziness.

Apart from God, relationally, we isolate.

Apart from God, financially, money trumps generosity.

Apart from God, vocationally, we will never know the reason for our existence.

“Apart from Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5b NASB). Nada. Nothing.  Zip.

We turn our life around from the second-guessing and self doubt by setting our thoughts on the truth to change out the lies and the old habits. I attached myself to my Creator and Sustainer through the WORD of God, like an invisible umbilical cord. And I recited this one verse, Apart from GOD, I can do nothing...as that is Truth!

Does your doubt or second-guessing stop you?

Do you need to work on your thought life?

Do you want accountability to learn how to shift doubt away and anchor to the Truth instead?

Purchase today to get accountable with a coach that gets, to the heart of the matter to help you change out your life from doubt to confidence  Become more of who you were meant to become!

Enable Me, Lord, to Shift, devotionals

Keywords: Faith. God. Toxicity. Trauma Center. Emotional abuse checklist