Do you need to learn how to awaken your heart? Is your heart entangled?
Is it time for you to sift and sort through all that is going on in your life as to, why?
SEE if this list can help you a bit and then sign up below for the free course I have.
Here are a few reasons women have shared with me over the years to why their heart is shutting down….
- And unexpressed grief
- Living in denial
- Grief-loss
- Out of balance living
- Emotional pain- angst
- Second guessing
- Self-doubt
- Relationship struggles
- Broken dreams
- Negativity
- Self condemnation
- Shame
- Lack of support
- Loneliness
- Hatred
- Anger
- Bullying
- Manipulation
- Guilted into doing something
- Fear
- Toxicity
- Abuse
- Deception
- Lack of forgiveness
- Not understanding
- Bitterness
- Abortion
- No answers, many questions
- Life has not gone as they hoped
- Anxiety
These are just a few of the issues women face when I coach them.
And if you’re living a fast paced life and you are spinning many relationships while working and juggling diverse roles, and you don’t have time to just breathe…well, it is hard to read your life. But you have to take time to examine what is not working in your life.
So do pick up this free course.
The four videos are short and yet the coaching worksheets can help you begin to untangle all that is going on and sort and sift through your story. Free Recipes to Awaken Your Heart Course!
Now, if you want more coaching with me, then click this link and get booked Book 20 minutes of coaching!
or get into the DIY course for 90 days to exam your story so you can experience freedom of pain and plan a future that is meaningful. 90 Day DIY Life Purpose Course to kick your self-doubt to the curb and grow self confidence instead!
One has to, want to want to address one’s life to live forward! Let me know what step you will take to awaken your heart!
What word needs to be on this list, that I do not have, what has caused your heart to shut down?