How do you derail sadness to stop spinning, sitting, and souring in it?

True story.

Years ago on weekdays, when 3:00 in the afternoon chimed my thoughts galloped off to my teens. I wondered how their school day was. What kind of friends did they have? And how was their afterschool job?

I missed them terribly.

My feelings taunted me to crawl in a hole and stay there. Physically and emotionally that would not work. I had to work to do. I tried eating chocolates to soothe my sadness, but that sabotaged my writing. I knew it was me that had to change.

I needed to undress sadness and fling that feeling off of me.

Then this verse appeared in a coaching study,

To grant those who mourn in Zion, Giving them a garland instead of ashes,
The oil of gladness instead of mourning,
The mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting.
So they will be called oaks of righteousness,
The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified” 
(Isaiah 61:3 NASB).

 I had already grieved for years. Matter of fact, I mourned. And one of my daughters may have suspected that I was sad, as one year for Christmas she gifted me the broken heart necklace in the (above) picture (under the words- Meaningful Makeovers).

But now—I was free from the oppression of abuse.

However, I was sad. My three teens lived elsewhere and I was their mom and missed them desperately!

Oh, how I missed them. How could I shift the sadness away?

  • It was my choice.
  • Ramp up my praise to God.
  • Giving them a garland instead of ashes. I wanted to wear a silver sparkly garland on my head just like when I was a Christmas angel when I was seven years old.
  • The oil of gladness instead of mourning, 
  • The mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. Instead of fainting in sadness, I wanted to wear a soft fuzzy white shawl like a mantle of praise.

I got up out of bed every day and turned on the words of praise- my words that is.

  • God kept me alive for years.
  • God led me to His Word. 
  • He taught me.
  • God led me to my life purpose coach
  • He led me to God fearing counselors which understood emotional abuse, narcissism, pathologic liars, emotional affairs, and more!

      They will be called oaks of righteousness, The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.

Oh yes, I wanted to be like a tall oak tree that shows off God’s righteousness.

  • I gave more thanks.
  • When my teens called or texted I thanked them and God.
  • When they came over or we had a pizza I thanked God and them.
  • This was a challenging breakthrough. 
  • I battled it.
  • But I kept on praising Him as I dressed each day.
  • I had a condo.
  • I had carpet.
  • I had a roof over my head.
  • I had one client, then three.
  • I had paid that months bills.
  • I was alive.
  • I lived in peace.

Grow thankfulness by bowing your feelings under the truth.  Then your heart lifts with joy!

Does sadness, a heavy heart, or a spirit of fainting consume you?

Three tips to begin to derail sadness!

  1. Tip one, praise flips up sadness!
  2. Tip two, grieve when sad, but then give thanks for what you can. Cry, but then praise HIM. It’ll take time.
  3. Tip three, you have to choose to give thanks and override the sadness. Choose to give thanks and over time and in time you will sense a shift, but it will take work, much work. But it is TRUE it will derail sadness.

Do you need to grieve and to walk this  out by talking it out with a grief-loss coach? If so, book a coaching chat here. Connect with me!

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