Welcome if you landed here on my blog. I am Darlene Larson and once upon a time, I was a reluctant writer. And it has taken me a lot of work in mindset shift and self-growth to write seven books. And I had all of these questions too.

My first book was written with two other coaches’ years ago. Books number two –five are at Book! tab here on my website. The sixth book is now written to go with the Enable Me, Lord, to Shift series and is not yet published. However, coaching pages of book six are in the course below. Book seven, a grief-loss book is to be released next year. How fun!!

Everything you read here and in my course that I created for men and women of faith, is to help you shift from being a reluctant writer to becoming a published author.

One must kick self-doubt to the curb to write and grow to become all you are meant to become! But I know, how that doubt sneaks in. So let me address a few things upfront.

  1. Do you think you are to write your story?
  2. Do you wonder is this a part of my life purpose?
  3. Do you think, well I never dreamed of my name on a book, yet, I love to teach and learn and to read, but for me to write books, I am uncertain? And my self-doubt is winning the war to NOT write, so how can I defeat the limiting belief?

Well here you are,  and so you know I wrestled with the above three and so have many other writers that I have coached and met over the years.  As well as asked these questions below…

 7 questions writers want answers to.

  1. Am I to write?    How long has the, to write call been dogging you? If it hasn’t gone away, what does that tell you?
  2. How do I do the writing journey?   Think of it as riding a bike. Did you know how to ride before you got on the bike? It wobbled a bit. It’s the same with writing. Take one small step toward it and keep pedaling.
  3. Where do I start?  Admit the desire that you want to write using your words.
  4. My story seems too messy and heavy, how do I do it?  Pick one story, write one word, write a sentence, then a paragraph and keep on writing.
  5. Will I ever finish this book?  You have to want to. If you’re normally a finisher in life, then why wouldn’t you finish the book? Discipline is a must.
  6. What makes my book(s) different than what is out there?  It’s your voice, your tone, your words. Uniquely you, the writer within.
  7. Why is it so hard to write and get published?   Anything that is worth it in life, will require effort. You have lots of options, self-publish, hybrid publishing, or traditional publishing.

Ready to kick your self-doubt to the curb?

Know yes, I am to write or not, yet still know what you are to do with your one life. The worse thing you can do is nothing. Let me coach you to become more YOU. Meet you inside!90-Day DIY Life Purpose Course to kick your self-doubt to the curb and know your answer to write or not to write!