Is there a roadmap, a recipe, a guide to know how in the world life is to work?

And that answer is yes, as there is the Word of God, the Bible. Jesus is the way and yet, He gives us freedom, a choice to choose or not to choose His Way.

But, we are to look to GOD for our life purpose and direction.


In this blog I want to share what I did and how I went from believing my life did not matter and was stuck in abuse for over two decades to now coaching women for over the last fifteen years and author of five books.

How did I speak up and stand up?  I prayed for help and wanted to know what was my life purpose.

And in this course, I share what I have learned over the last 20 years, so women can work through on their own to discover and gain clarity, and contentment to know what their life purpose is.

 The enemy will use these to stop you:



He uses more disappointment.

More doubt and more doubt and more doubt.  And slathers on more disappointment and discouragement. SO much so, you become dumbed down to his way, the LIAR. The Accuser.

I know this well

I was living a life of a skeleton once upon a time, until I chose to stop allowing the doubt to seed and sprout in my life.

You too can own your life and shift from disappointments to His appointment. Life is to work.

Discover your values.

Discover your character qualities. 

Discover your limiting beliefs. 

Discover what will stir your heart to live, like this woman, a widow inside the Life Purpose Recipe Box said, “This course is clarifying what my life purpose is and now I can fulfill it.” Click on the link, 

Christian Women Life  Purpose Recipe Box.

Your story matters. Your voice counts.

I am inside the Recipe Box cheering you on with 11 videos and more…take a step and flip your life inside out for the good of your life purpose, the JOY and thrill you have singing and soaring in your sweet spot, creating what GOD has called you to create. Let’s do it!! CLICK… on Take Charge of Your LIFE Recipes!!