Ten Myths about Writing a Book!

  • You want to write?
  • You think you’re to write?
  • You’re scared to write?

 Ten Myths about Writing a book!

1. You believe you have to have a book out-lined before you begin. Nope!

2. You believe you have to have the book figured out before you begin writing. Not true!

3. You believe the book will flow out of you in a steady flow. Oh, so not true!

4. You believe you have to feel inspired before you write. Wrong. Writing inspires you along the way, you show up first.


5. You believe books can be written in one setting. Nope, not for most authors.

6. You believe it’s easy for most authors to write. I haven’t heard an author say writing is easy.

7. You believe your writing is garbage. Wrong, it’s your words on paper.

8. You believe that your story is too hard, too long, and too heavy to write. It may feel that way, but it is not impossible to write it, therefore, a myth.

9. You believe you cannot learn. Myth. You can change your mindset.

10. You believe you are too old to write your book. Myth. I have coached women in their 80’s. Often times, age is used as an excuse as one is not willing to put in the time or effort in their project. Don’t let it be your excuse.

Don’t die with a book in you, others need your story to offer hope!

By the way, I coach women to bring out their traumatic hard stories to put on paper and in time to a book or two or three, for His glory. Launch YOU and your purpose!