How to recipes for women to grow.

I have hung with women all of my adult life. And I have coached women for 14 years and taught women longer than that, plus I have been in Bible studies with women since my early 20’s. Plus, I grew up with two sisters and I watched my mom with her seven siblings do life, in which five of them were females. Oh how they loved and honored each other up until their final breath.

  • Women need women.
  • Women need community.

  • Women like to process. And most women love to connect.

  • Women like to share. And some women like to grow from the inside out and that is the type of women I coach.

  • They want to know they have made a difference and lived out their life purpose and have chosen to leave their legacy.

  • So with all of this richness from working with women all these years and with myself being a woman, I have created many how to recipes for women to grow.

  • I will list a few and over at Instagram @Hearts with a Purpose, I offer reels on How to – for women to grow! Join me over there too!.

What how to-would you like to learn? 

How to grieve, stay tune for the release date about my future book on this heart wrenching topic.

How to confront?

How to, not react when trapped talking with a toxic person?

How to discover JOY?

How to balance your life?

How to address anger?

How to set boundaries?

How to restore your buried creativity?

How to enjoy life with oneself?

How to change sadness for joy?

How to organize to write?

How to be a friend and not be needy?

How to write a book?

How to grow your voice?

How to heal from the inside out?

How to…name one you would like to learn about.  Post a comment or book a time to chat with me if you want to grow from the inside out and use your story to offer hope to others. Book a time!