Self-pity can become addictive.

And it stinks. I know so. I got stuck there in life and within myself.


Google says, Self-pity is an excessive, self-absorbed unhappiness over one’s own troubles.

And people can wallow in it and milk it. 
One can choose to live the whiny way and/or the victim  mentality.  Please KNOW, I am sorry for LIFE’s PAIN. Truly sorry…yet ask yourself, can any good from it or better yet turn to God and ask HIM that question.

Can any good come from your story of pain? 

 What do you do with self-pity?

What did I do differently?
1. I chose to own my own junk, my own sin, my own stuff.
2. Then I chose to grow – ME …

And this poem shook me …  to bloom!

Can you relate?

A Woman’s Journey

Then the time came when the risk it took

To remain tight in a bud was more painful

Than the risk it took to blossom.

–Anais Nin

Which feeds more self-pity for you, to stay as is in the whiny way?

Or to risk and bloom and become all GOD has created you to become?

By the way, did you know Life Purpose Coaching will help you unfold and open up and to let go of the self-pity! Go here to find out the how. Launch YOU in purpose!