How do you not withdraw?

  • Do you excuse or escape by withdrawing?

You’re sitting at a round table with women. Conversations are going on around you, but you don’t feel important enough to be invited into the talk and/or choose to speak up.

You choose to take the road of least resistance, escape, pull back and withdraw. Go quiet, fret, and stew perhaps and become sour. You wanted to speak out like the others. After all you do have something to share.

So you escape?

What can you do different next time?

Perhaps you scoot up to the table to converse, but someone talks over you. You’re put off by this and see it as rude and put out. You think, I have something to offer, and instead of staying engaged in conversing, you withdraw and pick up the poor victim mentality?

So again, did you escape?

What can you do different next time?

Here is another area.

You’re finally invited out for coffee or a Bible study, but you don’t know all the ladies going. Instead of joining and learning and engaging in life, you choose not to go. Again, you choose to escape, make an excuse, and you step back?

Where does that get you?

If you keep on doing life this way, you begin to put yourself into a space that closes off. It’s no way to live. Isolation perhaps, is that what is occurring? Don’t let the fear of what might happen, the risk of rejection, or the fear of the unknown cause you to close up. The angst and pain only grows!

Do you make excuses?

Do you escape?

Instead, picture yourself sitting up to the round table, conversing, laughing, and yet someone does speak over you, but they say, they are sorry. Can you stay engaged, overlook it, and keep talking?

TRUTH – you are a lovely human being created in GOD’s image, therefore you have value. PERIOD. Learn how to sit up to the table, grow your own voice, speak no matter who else is speaking or how long it takes for you to speak. Learn to engage in life as you have much to offer.

Coaching empowers you to stop withdrawing to come alive from the inside out and shift into becoming more you. Engage in your life and come alive through coaching!