Can you rest?

Do you rest?

 Is rest hard for you?

Once upon a time, rest was very hard for me. I ran away from it and hid behind doing and doing. Until, my internal engines were about to blow.

I knew I best stop.

God wanted me to STOP and be still, then I could listen to Him and read my life. But, I didn’t know if I would like what I discovered.

Think of it this way, what if you were reading a paragraph and there were no periods in it. It would read like this.

I will do that You will not know when to catch your breath and the sentence will go on and on and on That does not make sense It is very confusing to understand what the main meaning is and to grasp the impact of the paragraph

I had capitals in that paragraph so that helped somewhat.

We are meant to read our life and listen well to God’s call.

It takes work to rest. And it takes time. And it takes listening.

Are you ready?

I suggest to women that they take five minutes out of their day. They have nothing in their ears, or in their hands, and they aren’t supervising little loves. But to stop and be still, listen. Be present. Five minutes. See what you discover.

What do you hear?

How do you feel?

What do you discover about you?

Love to hear. Let me know. Email!