How do pain, passion, and purpose collide?

In this blog post you will have the opportunity to listen in to a variety of interviews where I was featured in 2022!

Take your pick or listen into ALL! Keep coming back as I add on to this list over 2022!

The message of hope in Darlene Larson’s coaching, inspirational speaking, and writing is a flame that is fanned by God’s passion and purpose in her life. 

Writers. Speakers. Authors. Join me this year at SpeakUp 2022!

Listen in over at Covenant Eyes where we discus emotional abuse  and pornography. Do the two go together? IS your spouse using porn? How are you treated if you are the female? Are you just an object? Can sex become an idol just like alcohol? Abuse and PORN!

Amanda Forster Schaefer interviews me about  the BIG Picture of PAIN and PURPOSE Listen in to A Cup of Gratitude!

Over at Katie M. Reid listen in as we talk about – From Toxicity to Healing!

Listen in over at Fierce  Calling Podcast with Doris Swift as we talk about, How to walk through hard seasons? Listen into Fierce Calling! 

And listen in over at Crystal Convrstn – Making the Choice to LIVE!

And after you listen to these, Book 30 free minutes of coaching with me~

Take a Quiz!  Abuse or a bad attitude?

Or first book FREE in a PDF  FREE BOOK!