What do you do with loss and grief?

This is a loaded and messy and HARD topic.

Matter of fact, I have a book soon to be shopped out on this topic.

Not one of us will get off this planet without some type of loss. 

It is very strange to me that one of the first Christian books I ever read, beside the Bible, was called Afflictions by Edith Schaeffer. Yep, Afflictions.

When I read that book I was in my mid to late 20’s. I recall thinking how in the world did those people survive that story, or that loss, or that death, or that illness. Now, I have lived a few decades and have experienced lots of loss and emotional pain.

 But, this blog is not about me, but it’s for YOU! Yet, when I’m a reader on other blogs I like to know the backstory a bit of the author and know that they have some depth.

Here are five of my most gut wrenching losses. And I am writing this very simple and short when there are layers of years, months, and days, under each line with many tears. Like more than enough tears to fill up Lake Michigan:

  1. I know the deep-hard-heart-pain of a broken relationship with one of my closest loves! 
  2. I was betrayed. Pure and simple. Yet, the pain, the pain, the pain, a love story gone shockingly askew. I know this happens. More of this story is coming soon. Deep loss and grief.
  3. I have stared death in the face three-times, with the loss of my father, youngest brother, and my mom.
  4. I have gone through the wretched pain of a home foreclosure/bankruptcy/ and all during a divorce proceeding because of one person’s choices. And this was pure agony for the devastation of my children and myself.
  5. Living over a quarter of a century in an emotionally and mentally abusive marriage where I was ignored, blamed, and criticized. Whittled down so to speak.

So what about You?

Are YOU hurting, grieving, and or desiring emotional wellness?

In the last week, I learned of:

  • A colleague – losing her home and all of her belongings to a house fire.

  • A daughter and a mom that I met at a Writer’s Conference. The woman lost her husband and the daughter lost her dad. PAIN.

  • A close loved one needs a heart cath, like today.
  • A former client lost her mom.

  • The people in Ukraine are facing the possibility of tanks steamrolling into their country and killing and destroying. Have you ever had tanks up against the borders of your country facing their long missile into your home?

  • A couple’s life was changed f-o-r–e-v-e-r as he was let go of his work within seconds. From top-dog-man to so-long, bye-bye now.

WHAT are you doing, GOD, we may shout!?!

It is hard when you are the one in the throes of pain, shock, loss, and I do not get this GOD. Do not! And the best thing I think I can say is, YOU are not alone.

“These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33NASB).

So according to this TRUTH

  1. Tribulations are to be a part of our life.

  2. In Christ, in God, in Jesus, we can have peace.

  3. We are to take courage…

  4. He has overcome the World and truly, He has the final say.

How are you grieving? Here are a few suggestions:

1. Cry

  1. Wail

  2. Moan

  3. Write about it

  4. Talk to God about it

  5. Get into counseling

  6. Talk to your Pastor or church leader

  7. Get coaching…I would be glad to listen…and if I felt you needed counseling, I would tell you so.

  8. Listen to music

  9. Exercise

So what do you need to do for YOU?

Here is a link if you want to be coached. Book 30 free minutes of coaching with me~