7 Tips to Survive the Holidays

 Are you a struggling woman in the midst of changeups, clutter, and sadness, seeking some clarity with joy this Holiday Season?

 If so, you are at the right website.

 Are you looking for some love and support during the holidays in the midst of bereavement?

If so, may this help you!

I KNOW the holidays can be SO hard.

  • Memories.
  • Traditions.
  • Nostalgia.
  • Triggers.
  • Food.
  • Relationships.
  • Money.
  • And addictions fly high over the holidays.  Have you ever asked, why do addictions ramp up over holidays?

Could it be that men and women try to NUMB out those lost empty feelings of regret, loneliness, hatred, and bitterness? And loss hurts too, I know so! 

Instead of dealing with their pain, and looking to God, and bow to Him, a person may run from it and it makes more of a mess than they can ever imagine!

I know. I have seen it. God is trustworthy, as I have had to bow and wrestle out a lot of emotional pain.

One Thanksgiving, I left my house after preparing a great turkey dinner to travel and have dessert with my siblings. Once, I returned to my home, there on my computer desk was a threatening fear induced message. FEAR! CONTROL. POWER! ABUSE! 

How dare I step out of his trap of control?

I get pain and lots of grief over the holidays. To this day, I miss loved ones! But, I can only control myself.

Here are 7 tips I give to you this holiday season.

  1. Find some time to be with loved ones, friends or family. Do connect!

  2. It’s okay and good to recall good things too on Holidays. I made great huge turkey dinners in years past. I also made place setting cards and had my children make them too. I always offered crafts after our dinner. I loved what I did do. So thankful for the time I had! 

  3. It’s okay to make some of your favorite foods. ENJOY!

  4. If you are alone, call up a friend, text a loved one, reach out this holiday.

  5. Give to someone this holiday. GIVE. GIVE!

  6. Get outside and enjoy the holiday season. It brings life to your soul, fresh air, walking, and some sunshine on your cheeks.

  7. Remind yourself, that almighty Father God understands your greatest needs… Psalm 139:1- 2 “ You have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I get up; You understand my thought from far away.” ( NASB)

What helped you?

I would be honored to hear your heart this holiday season. Here is one holiday option I am offering as a coach to women. Holiday Black Friday Sale!