What fear holds you back?

The phone rang. It was her, but it was the wrong day!

She began to ask me questions, like an interview. I shared about years of infertility, being a teacher, burned out, three precious adoptions-two state side and one international adoption, deaths of my father and my brother, and job changes galore within that marriage. Sadness, chaos, anger, and emotional pain had almost buried me. I wrapped up the phone interview with telling her a little bit more and about hosting three diverse exchange students. I didn’t share with her the biggest pain of my life, emotional abuse, as I didn’t know that term yet.

Then she said, “And… you’re still alive. Get your application in Darlene. And will you close in prayer?”  I prayed and clicked off the phone.

I wanted to do cartwheels all the way through the house.  Someone felt I had something to offer, a life purpose.

Pure glee shot through my veins. Yes. Yes! Yes!!

Stunned, Dr. Katie Brazelton well known author of The Pathway to Purpose for Women’s series had called me.

Dr. Brazelton at one time was women’s ministry director at Saddleback Church. Now she was launching her coaching certification program and believed in me and my passion and purpose to be certified as a Life Purpose Coach ®. She heard my heart cry and believed I was a fit.

 God heard my many prayers and answered me.

However, FEAR shot up to my eyeballs. I had to get the application in, but I believed I could not write.

 How could I fill in the application to become a Life Purpose Coach®? I believed I could not write. And Dr. Katie Brazelton holds two Master Degrees and a Doctorate. One of her Masters degree is in English. She would see right through me and laugh at my words on my page.

I was caught.

Which way would I turn?

Bow to fear or step over the ledge to the call.

Since you are here at this website you know the answer. I wrote. I applied. I was trained and that was back in 2006. And now I am an author of four books, (BUT GOD) founder of Hearts with a Purpose where I’ve coached thousands of hours with women and more books are in the works.

THE TRUTH WINS! We step toward the fear and starve the lie(s) from our life.

What fear holds you back?

What lie do you need to starve out?

Let’s chat to learn to starve your lie. Schedule a time to chat!