How do you keep stepping, when the bottom drops out of your life?

The bottom has dropped out of my life a few times.
1. Emotional abuse for over two decades of my life
2. Death(s)
3. Home Foreclosure, Torn family, Divorce,
4. Hoodwinked in a mighty BIG way and my grief loss book shares that pain filled story.

 I have been asked how do I keep on.

My recipe is to keep my life domains in balance.

1. Spiritual domain- comes first. It’s the most important. I spend time daily in the Word, nourishing and refueling me and my soul, anchoring to the Truth. Reminding me of who God is and who I am not. And add in prayer. Sign up here and receive my first book free to empower you to grow in this area of your life. FREE Enable Me, Lord, to Shift !

2. Mental Domain, I choose to align my thoughts to the Truth. If I am thinking on stinky stuff, I am headed for a bad day or hours. I prefer not to allow that in my life, anymore. This is an hourly checkup and check-in to the Truth.

3. Emotional Domain, I choose not to allow my feelings to control my day. I used to allow the moods of others to control me and my day. No longer do I allow that. Only I can be in charge of my feelings. And I live fact over feelings as the fickle feelings bow to the Truth. (Read more here how I did this and grew Joy.) Grow JOY!

4. Relational Domain, I carve time out to be with friends and or family members.

5. Physical Domain, I exercise almost every day. And I try to eat well, not always, but I eat more vegetables and fruits than I used to.

6. Financial Domain, I live within a budget. Take a Dave Ramsey course if need be.

7. Life Purpose/Career/Vocation- Hearts with a Purpose. Coach. Speak. Teach. Write.

Sum it up: I know who I am and who I live for. I get up, get going, plant my feet on and in the Word and head to where He is called me. Coach. Teach. Speak and Write on behalf of hurting, hungry and harried women.

Scripture says, “ Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” ( I Thessalonians 5:23 NASB)

Our body does work well together, body, soul, and spirit.
What domains are you struggling in?

Are you uncertain? Take this short video coaching session and discover your top three weakest domains and set up steps to begin addressing your life. Your Life Matters Inventory!