What is a mom?   A-Z Tribute of my Mom!

Happy Mother’s Day to you if you landed here over Mother Day’s weekend,  and if you are not a mom, then happy daughter day to you!

Mother’s Day comes with a lot of mix emotions for many women. I have seen my blog numbers go sky high on this holiday. So I know there is a heartfelt tug-of-war women face!

I am posting this blog post on the 6th of May, and then on the 8th I will share for the first time on my blog, words from the last days of my mom’s life.

I was blessed immensely with a mom that was a hands on practical down to earth woman that loved her role as a mom.  And I have missed her deeply this past year with the craziness of COVID-19 and yet, I am glad my parents aren’t alive to see all that is occurring in our world.

Today, I share my mom with you from A-Z. A tribute to her!  Donna Eileen Mitchell Terrell is/was my mom.

I was so blessed. Thank you, Lord.


B-believed in her children and exhorted us to do our best at school and with chores

C-cooked meals that left you wanting more

D-disciplined us five to know there were consequences if we misbehaved.

E-exhibited kindness to all people

F-faithful mom

G-gracious to all people-tis true

H-honest in all ways

I-integrity, she was who she was, no pretense at all


K-kind to all people, she just was

L-lover of farm life, her husband (my dad) and her five kids.

M-mothered us well through hard work with love and she hardly sat down

N-never gave up on her husband or kids

O-opened her hands to others, oh her baked goods, the farm eggs we gathered, like 17,000 eggs a day, the canned goods she gave away

P-present to her kids daily needs, the laundry, the meals, the running us to school,

Q-queen of the farmhouse and reigned in her kitchen

R-raised her children to respect authority

S-sacrificed daily to meet her family’s needs as her job, 24-7 on a farm

T-true to her words

U-unstoppable with her abilities to cook, bake, can, and clean

V-vicious in a great way in guiding her children through the school years and to live well.

W-wise with common sense principles for life

X-xray eyes, how did she know I was at that party?

Y-yearned for her children to attend church and believe in God.

Z-zealous with her love for her grandchildren.

If I were to ask for one more thing from my mom and of course, the Lord, it would be for one more day of life with her. SO then I could share with her all that she had taught me in life, thank you, mom, for living and loving us sacrificially. You are never forgotten!

Love, your 3rd born, Darlene

What is one thing you are thankful for about your mom?

I sprinkle a few stories of my parents and  farm life here in my Enable Me, Lord, to Shift books. Start with the red book to begin to change and grow!