What do you do with anger?


Hey friends, every Friday I will try and post a few steps on this topic of anger. Feel free to leave your comments.

Anger has a hidden message.  If you are a Christian or not, women all over the world are experiencing anger. And they are embarrassed and think it is only themselves. Let me comfort you, it is not just you. You can learn to address others and not allow them to cause you to react. I know so. If I can learn to change, oh dear one, so can you. So let’s connect.

Anger has many faces to it.

How do you handle your frustration, irritableness, anger, or toxicity?

  • Some women shout and scream and swear and they choose to respond this way all their life.
  • Some women scream and choose to stay this way all their life.
  • Some women fume and hold their anger within and stuff it and eventually they do let it out, all at once. BUT, they recycle this anger episode again. And they choose to respond this way all their life.
  • Some women let anger simmer and simmer and simmer and they cave into it. It shuts them down. And they choose this path and don’t address it. Therefore they are stuck!
  • And then some angry people are experts at looking so cool and calm, but they use control. And if you come up against them to tell them, “NO” well then you might see them bristle and raise a voice. Then you put down boundaries and they come unglued. So…don’t let looks fool you as some of the angriest people are well polished on the outside and yet filled with poison inside.

Be wise. Only you can choose to change you.

Do you have anger issues?

Do you hate your reacting so much you are willing to change?

Freedom rings when we learn to speak in truth with kindness.

“…we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of people, by craftiness in deceitful scheming;  but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, that is, Christ, “ (Ephesians 4:14-15 NASB).

How about a free 30 minute coaching session so you can sample coaching and we can chat to see how you can learn to live free of anger’s hold on you. Book NOW!

Also, I offer this Boot Camp to Empower women. Sign up Confrontation Bootcamp!

 Be coached to be kind yet truthful!

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