Do you doubt God is real? 

Enable me, Lord, to shift—from living in the miry clay of doubt to standing on the solid rock.

She does life at full bore, the doer and fixer of all. Within the walls of her home she juggles activity, assignments, work, and warfare. Roles may include grandmother, daughter, wife, mom, employee, step-mother, boss, home manager, relational controller, party planner, tech wiz, church volunteer, and the all-together superwoman.

The layoff, a missed mortgage payment, a child’s learning issue, a mother’s health crisis, a cancer scare, and a long time unanswered prayer sends her to the pit. Her mind chatter tosses and turns as she voices,

“Is He real? If so, where is He? Why don’t I hear God? Why is there no change?”

Something needs to give.

Women’s lives are loaded with doubt, disappointment, despair, and seemingly unanswered prayer. Taking a step forward out of the heaviness of “doubts” seems nearly impossible. Since more disappointments fling her back into the arms of doubt, is God for today’s woman?

Life in the pit stinks.

She questions how long can she keep on pretending to believe in God? Finally, the Truth is exposed.

  • She doubts God is real.
  • She doubts He hears.
  • She doubts He cares.
  • She doubts—just like Eve. And that is exactly where the enemy wants her. He wins. She sinks. He celebrates her defeat and uselessness for Kingdom purposes.    To make a shift, Truth must be received deep within the heart. Consume a verse as part of your daily diet. Then He enables you to shift from the miry clay of doubt to the Solid Rock of Truth as you sow the Truth into your heart creases. He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, And He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm.  (Psalm 40:2 NASB)

Jesus is Truth. Why not take Him up on His promises?

I too was stuck in doubt for years.  Love to hear your story. Book Now!