Many women are starved for attention. Do you want to be noticed?

  • Do you see me? 
  • Do you hear me?
  • Do you understand me?
  • Do you even care about me?

Do you want to be noticed?

For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His … 

(2 Chronicles 16:9a NASB)

I clutched my Bible, sobbed, and knelt on my bedroom floor. God, do you see me? I hurt. No one knows my life. Help me not go crazy, please. My heart was bruised, barely beating, and tired. I was close to the edge—hopeless. 

Physically, he hadn’t beaten me, but I wished he would have. Then I would have called the police and had physical proof of my abuse. I would’ve gotten help and out of my abusive environment sooner. I even told those words to my mediator during divorce proceedings. His unfortunate answer: “Do you know how many women have told me the same thing?”

The abuse of being emotionally neglected and ignored daily by the man who vowed to be my trusted partner was a searing cut to my soul. To add to my wounds, other people in the household, for instance, female students, received more acknowledgment and attention than I did. This communicated a clear message to me. You are not worth my time, my attention, or my words. You are of no value. I will delete you by emotionally starving you to death. Ignore.”

How was I supposed to process these actions and their accompanying emotional blows when this was ALL new? His emotional abandonment and psychological torment cut like a knife and sliced my heart to pieces.

Are you in an emotionally abusive relationship?

Do you want to be noticed?

I flung my Bible open to find this verse. I read, “For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His …” (2 Chronicles 16:9a NASB).

Could this be true?

  It is true!! God’s eyes are on the move, YES! He’s on the hunt for hearts that are His! And God strongly supports those hearts!

It was my job, though, and my choice to give God my heart and keep it tipped toward Him. I chose the right way, as today, I am way past this scene of my life from over 20 years ago.

He is faithful. Trust Him and turn toward GOD and He will show up for you.  Purchase books!

Layer your life with the Truth and step out of emotional abuse, purchase private coaching with me today. Speak to Heal!

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