Learn to STOP your second-guessing!

What if? Why did I do that? Maybe I shouldn’t? What if this happens now?

 Doubt is cast upon you.  Then you second guess yourself. Fear climbs right up inside you! Then you change your mind.

And you STOP what you were going to do! YOU remain stuck!

Learn to STOP your second-guessing!

How do I know how to do this? Because I was so scared and trapped for over two decades. If  I made decisions on my own, it was never to his liking or way. I was shamed or accused and  whittled down. And I began to believe I could not make decisions. I was trapped and led to believe lies about myself. And that I was not smart enough to make a decision on my own. That is how abuse works to trap the victim. It is a cycle of mental and emotional abuse.
It is a mental game of destruction. In other words, casting doubt on me had been a way to keep a cloud of lies over me to have me cower to him, and believe NOT in myself. It teaches one to become helpless and a sickly co-dependent person.

If I can step out of it, you can too!

  1. Discover the TRUTH about yourself!
  2. Stop living in Stuckville.
  3. If you are living or have lived in any type of abuse, second guessing is a given! It begins by the abuser casting doubt on the woman’s value of her worth.
  4. Awareness is step one.
  5. Learning to step out of its trap is next.
  6. It takes time, work, and stepping forward even when the doubt hounds you…break free.

Here are some examples:

  • Are you going to wear that? (Yet, he never compliments her anyway.)
  • Why did you get your hair cut that way? (Yet, he never compliments the way she had her hair.)
  • Why did you buy that?
  • Don’t expect… (Whatever you are hoping for).
  • You need to… (They want to use you to fix their problem).
  • You cannot do that… (Whatever you want to do for YOU they will squish it).
  • You should… (Do whatever they say).

The second guessing causes one to doubt their very existence.  I have no value to offer anyone anything. It’s like being stuck on a people mover at an airport. You go one way, I made a decision. Now, I get off the people mover, and I turn around because I doubt myself. And I come right back to where I started. It is addictive! Stuck!!

Break free!

Do you want to live free without second guessing chasing you around all day long?

Be coached to discover how to step out of and stop the second guessing to become all you were created for and NOT what an abuser pins on you! Click below.

Break Free to LIVE!

#secondguessingyourself #indecisive #insecure #selfdoubt #fearful #fearfulavoidanat #Narcissim