How do you let go of emotional pain and bloom?

God gives us life and second chances with redemption if we want it.

I read this poem years ago and it touched me to the  core of my soul. Can you relate?

A Woman’s Journey

Then the time came when the risk it took

To remain tight in a bud was more painful

Than the risk it took to blossom.

–Anais Nin

Which would be more pain filled?

Which would drive your life forward by faith? 

1. To stay as is – in the bud of whatever you are stuck in, abuse, lies, addictions, and/or fear, perhaps?

2. Or to step out to the call, the nudge, and to trust the Truth to unfold and blossom?

Years ago, I addressed my life for what it was and took one step toward truth each day!  I would not die living in a lie. I was throwing my life away based off of what ONE person said and did to me. One Person.

What about you?

Which is worse for you?

Which will drive your life forward?

  Launch YOU in purpose!