Grief and loss comes in all sizes and shapes. The best advice for grief, loss, and betrayal is to go through it.

What do I mean by that? Process it. Work through it all. Do not remain stuck. Get help in counseling and or both coaching too.

First, become aware of what you are grieving. Take audit of your losses. And then begin to work through your loss and grief. Do not shelve it. Do not milk it. Just work through it to get to the other side. It can be done, but you have to want to work through it!

David wrote in Psalm 23, “Even though I walk through the  valley of the shadow of death I fear no  evil, for You are with me; “

Notice when we walk through a valley, that means there is a way out of it an end. And of course, Jesus is with us.

Listen into this podcast as I share how compassionate Jesus is and that He sees us, and hears our emotional pain in our worse situations, and He desires to heal us!

Podcast Interview – Seeds of Hope with Del and Penny!

Leading You Through the Valley, a personalized grief-loss coaching book is an invitation to the reader to examine their own journey of loss and grief and to begin to work through it as I lead you…step by step and verse by verse. Join me! Plus, read: of eight women’s horrific stories of loss and betrayal, be coached through the coaching questions, learn the Truth of what Jesus said about loss and how to grieve as He is our perfect model. And read my Goliath-of-grief-story that almost took my faith and learn  to live beyond grief, loss, and betrayal and recycle your pain to purpose!

Stay in touch here, so you know when Leading You Through the Valley will be released and as my thank you, receive. Enable Me, Lord, to Shift, book #1

AND If you are ready to dig in – to dig out of your loss and grief and betrayal, get started today. Purchase !