How do you accept betrayal, grief, and loss?

What do you do when you are so tired of stuffing and/or faking the emotional pain from a loss?

You mask the pain and yet the mask you hide behind no longer covers it or gives you what you want. Your mask can be busyness, addictions, perfectionism, and/or people pleasing to name a few.

You no longer care. You are tired. You want to learn to live on the other side of your disappointments in life.

How does one move through the valley of loss to accept and into acceptance?

How do you accept betrayal, grief, and loss?

Do the hard thing, you will grow!

First, is to admit, you are hurting. You can not do this mascaraed of pretense anymore. Busyness or role playing is sucking the life right out of you.

Loss and disappointments hurt.

Loss and grief take time though. And it’s for your best to work it out.

Stay in touch to know when my next book is out Leading You Through the Valley, a personalized grief-loss coaching book.

As I said, you are aware that your mask is not fitting you anymore.

Second, is to give yourself permission to get real with your feelings and with GOD.

And perhaps some of your pain comes from one of these hurts:

  • Abuse
  • Accidents
  • Adoptee/adopted
  • Cancer
  • Car accidents
  • COVID-19
  • Deaths
  • Divorce
  • House fires
  • Infertility
  • Jilted
  • Laid off
  • Miscarriages
  • Raped
  • Robbed
  • Sexual childhood abuse
  • Special needs child
  • Parent issues that have never been dealt with
  • Estranged relationships
  • OR…

Broken dreams come in all shapes and sizes.  Name your top three broken dreams or your disappointments in life.




Put in order which needs to be addressed, first?

Here are a few tips to begin to work on acceptance with the pain. Of course get into counseling if you need to.

  1. Acknowledge you’re hurt. Get real. Speak it to someone. 
  2. Be honest with God. Our hearts are glass to God. No faking it at all. To grieve is to get real!
  3. Pitch a fit if need be. It takes time to pitch a fit of anger, hatred, rage, and learn it’s okay to pour your heart out to God. He is safe.
  4. Ask God to help you in receiving what you need. Peace. Quietness. Time. Truth. A listening ear. What will help you?

IF you have been stuck in grief, how long will you remain that way without help?

Feel free to reach out and set up a free 20 minute coach chat to know how coaching would benefit you. Book a time!

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Purchase your coaching package and let’s get you stepping forward instead of stuck and sad Recycle it all to a message of acceptance and hope!