The Battlefield for our Minds is real. The negative and the positive, the back and forth between our ear lobes – lies versus Truth- all day long. Very real.

 We have these thoughts! Just thoughts. Ideas.

  • I have a passion.
  • I have potential.
  • I have a personality.
  • I have pain points.
  • I know I have more to bring forth  from my life.
  • I want to know my purpose and know how these all weave together to live out my life purpose.

Yet the war zone of the in-between our ear lobes keeps many of us stuck.

  • Do I have a life purpose or do I not have a life purpose?
  • I think I am good at that, but is it good enough?
  • I think I am to do that, but so can she or he?
  • I think I am too old, but the longing will not go away?
  • I think I am to create that? But there are others books on that topic or art like that?
  • Back and forth. Back and forth.

  • Negative. Positive.

If you are a believer in Jesus, and you accept the lies, the Truth will challenge the lies, as you have TRUTH, Himself, within you.

The negative way is a way of ignorance. Something we assumed or picked up in life. Yet, we are told in the Word to know or have understanding.

Scriptures states… “Acquire wisdom! Acquire understanding!” (Proverbs 5:1 NASB).

To choose to live by the Truth will require a wrestling of letting go of the lies, yet those lies may have a very long root system, as we have believed them since childhood.

TO uproot them will require work detail, a great desire to live freely, and be helped to have awareness and accountability and work on this with someone. And I am Darlene Larson, and I help women take their passion, their pain, their personality, their powerful lies and change them out to the Truth and help them discover their life purpose to live beyond abuse, grief, loss and betrayal, to live out their potential with great JOY!

If you are ready for awareness and to break free of the lies, and the negativity to live out your life purpose. Schedule  a short coach chat. Book 20 minutes of coaching!

IF we stop and bask in the limiting beliefs, we sit and soak and sour. And back and forth the self-doubt swings to stop us. It is crucial we nail the lies to the wall and keep them there in order to keep stepping into our life purpose with full potential!

  • Does your self-talk stop you?
  • Are you tired of feeling alone and on your own?
  • Do you believe you were made for more than the life you are currently walking out ?

Our belief drives behavior. I repeat, our belief drives our behavior. IF we do not like our results we’re getting, we have to track it to 0ur thoughts. That is where we begin to do work detail!

Do you want help?  I offer private coaching  Recycle Your Pain to Purpose!