I asked myself this question in my 40’s, how does life work and without so much pain?

I truly wanted to know how to live life well. There had to be a way it worked, and without so much emotional pain. I am glad to say, GOD showed me the way as He is the how, as He is the way.

I have been a woman in the WORD, since my early 20’s, but this one question drove me that much more specific to His WORD, to marinate in it and to receive the TRUTH. He is leading the way and that I am not doing this life alone, but He is with me, guiding me, alongside me, and within me through the power of the Holy Spirit. And that my friend, is the TRUTH.

Do you long for your life to work and to work well?

Are you feeling lost or purposeless in your life?

Scripture states, “Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your sight; Keep them in the midst of your heart.
For they are life to those who find them . And health to all  their body.
Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life” (Proverbs 4:20a-23 NASB). 

From our spiritual life, to mental life, to emotions,  to relationships, to finances, to physical, and to our life purpose, our life is to work together in a wholeness as our body, soul, and spirit are one. 

It does flow and go together if we are seeking GOD above all.

And our emotional pain can be healed with help such as counseling, talking out our issues, boundaries, and coaching. I know so. My emotional pain at one time was the size of the Rocky Mountain Range.

So back to you, do you want to know why God gave you life and what you are meant to do with it and how to have a good life?

 Whether you are retired, an empty nester, or just feeling stuck, I have created  a course as a teacher, author, and Life Purpose Coach and Grief-loss Coach that will guide you through answering important questions, unpacking your story, and discovering what it is you are meant to do that will give your life meaning and direction.

We are not made to just drift.

You do have a reason to be alive. And if you are thinking I am just all talk, read my first book here and you will see hints to why I do what I do. Enable Me, Lord, to Shift, book #1

So what is in this course?

Recipes about you, your passions, your life, your gifts, your abilities, you pain points, your disappointments, back story, your strengths, your spiritual gifts, your hearts desire, and more. Just read what other women are saying.

And don’t miss out on this life-changing opportunity before fall prices increase. 

Click  Life Purpose Recipe Course to KNOW YOU! And to learn how to live your one life well!

What is one step you can take to improve your life?