Women’s lives are full. The fast pace of life leaves us harried and exhausted. How do we shift to grow to live?

Media feeds us false messages of who we should be. And social media tempts us to compare ourselves with women in our church, community, across the nation and even around the world. We frantically scour the web, television, or shopping aisles searching for peace neatly wrapped in pleasure. In our efforts to run through life, we grind our gears and idle in agitation. We need to shift into another gear—to a life of freedom. And that comes when we shift to grow by applying a Bible verse one at a time to our life! 

To change, we must look at who we are and then evaluate our life according to the standard of Truth, the Word of God! That is Truth! Not the worlds ways or Social Media. We must embrace the good in our life but also pull up the dead weeds to plant the seeds of Truth that bring about spiritual transformation and wholeness.

Transformation takes time and practice. Only you can change yourself. I know because I learned these principles through the discipline of pain and personal practice. I invested my time, and the seeds that were planted years ago have begun to multiply. 

I coach and teach women to do likewise.

In the devotional books you will read some of their stories. I have changed names, locations, and situations to guard their privacy yet tell their story.

The Enable me, Lord, to Shift, series offers you a self-assessment report card, a verse, an inspiring story, and coaching questions to help you evaluate your life and align it with the Truth of God’s Word. The series will teach you how to shift, from being stuck—to gain Truth to live a life of freedom and walk in your true identity. GROW to your full potential!!!

I encourage you to grab your Bible and read each verse for yourself. This encourages the habit of opening the Word and personalizing the Truth. Then if you desire, mark, highlight, or underline the verse so you can easily find it again to refresh and revitalize yourself.

Are you ready to make the shift so you can grow? Book a time to meet me to talk about Life Purpose Coaching Book a time!

If so, the best time to begin is now.

Or buy books here and begin to take back your life for all you were created for. Books!

Do you want to live life forward?