Can I shift my pain to purpose?

The answer is yes. And let me tell you it is worth it.

Job, ( a man in the Bible and a book in the Bible is called, JOB) experienced loss and pain like most of us will never have to endure. A strong wind, like a tornado pulled the roof of his eldest’s son’s house down while the siblings were all gathered having a party. BOOM! GONE—all of his children. Plus his servants were slaughtered, camels raided, sheep burned up, and his oxen and donkeys stolen. His assets a wash and then, boils attack his body. All-of-this-occurred-because-of-Satan. He’d asked God’s permission to attack Job, so Job would curse God and walk away. 

BUT Job stayed true to God.

“Then Job replied to the Lord:  “I know that you can do all things, no purpose of yours can be thwarted” (Job 42:1-2 NIV).

 And Job never knew the why to his story yet, he stayed true to the Lord. What a man of God!

  • Focused.
  • Intentional.
  • Loyal.
  • His story was a part of the war going on in the heavenlies. Satan waging warring against the God of the universe.

What’s your pain, your story of suffering? Do you ask, how can I shift my pain to purpose?

Loss hurts. Pain stops us and men and women long to know how to shift pain to purpose.

Can it be done? Can any good from it?

The answer is yes and yes. But it requires you to work and to want to use it for good and stay in communication with God.

You see, emotional pain was (is) a leverage in my life and one in which God entrusted me with, much pain. At one time I described my heart as mutilated. I rubbed my hand over my chest repeatedly during the most pain filled times in my journey. And I prayed and petitioned God to do something with the pain. He then took my minced and diced heart and healed me of my emotional pain. God gets the glory and with my story.

I am a Life Purpose Coach® and Grief-loss coach because of pain and loss and I prayed and prayed for my life purpose. And Jesus often takes the same pain point of the crushing blow that brought us to our knees, and recycles that pain to purpose, if, one is moldable.  And that is a BIG IF, as it takes being broken. And it’s very uncomfortable.

Think of a woman in labor about to give birth to a child. “ Truly, truly, I say to you, you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy. When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world” (John 16:20-21 ESV).  

God takes the same pain-points of trials that twist our hearts and He turns them into joy and good, if we allow Him access.

The question is, do you want to shift from the pain to purpose?

And if you answered yes, book 30 complimentary coaching minutes with me Book a coaching time!

Or purchase your coaching plan today so that you can get started to  Recycle pain to purpose!