Why is this taking so long?

This will be a blog post of two. Part two is coming on March 17th! 

➢ Did I hear GOD correctly?
➢ Is God really going to come through for me, is He trustworthy?
➢ When will He answer my prayers?
➢ How much longer in the wait?

Waiting is hard!

I have  waited for more of His unfolding for over fifteen years. Plus, I have instructed and trained women to become coaches and coached women around the world with these next principles

  • Your message matters to share to a hurting world.
  • Your life counts.
  • You’re in a spiritual battle.
  • This is not to scare you off, but to empower you!

1. Transformation and sanctification are an ongoing process. Our character growth is crucial to the Lord.

No matter the depth of your relationship He’ll want you to continue to deepen your roots.

“My soul waits in silence for God alone; From Him comes my salvation” (Psalm 62:1 NASB). Yes, you may know your salvation comes from only the Lord, but do you know your soul is to wait in silence for God alone? Have you tried this wait?

To have no distractions around you, no noise, nothing, but to sit and wait for God to speak to you or to answer your prayers. It’s hard work. Can be grueling, especially in a wait. Try it.

David settled matters of his soul. He was to wait. Have quiet confidence in God. Trust, no wrestling, settled.

Read Psalm 62:5 carefully and slowly, watch for the comma, as it is different than verse 1.

David speaks to his soul, like a reminder, “My soul, wait in silence for God alone, For my hope is from Him.” Beautiful. Like saying, Shhh…God’s got this. Apply this verse as your purpose may not go as you thought or as fast as you liked, and perhaps you’ve had more pain then you ever thought possible. Give yourself permission to pour your heart out to God.

We’re meant to grow until our last breath.

BUT if you’ve turned your back on God, bow, and get right with your Father. Meditate on verses one and five in Psalm 62. 

Part two on March 17th …  learn three more reasons to wait.

Is it hard for you to wait?

Recycle Pain into Purpose