A coaching client said, “I believe I am to do this and this and I have thought this for sometime.”

I repeat back to her what I have heard over several coaching sessions and sometimes weeks of coaching time.

She looks up. Smiles. She smiles larger, she’s catching the vision of her life. An Aha!!! It’s resonating. I am UNIQUE! Because she finally HEARS her call and it sinks in when I say this… “I have coached women for over 15 years and not one woman has said that is what she wants to do.”  

 THIS is a pivotal point. As the enemy deceives women right in this area so they do not even investigate their life purpose!  

Women assume or think every woman wants and can do what she is to doTherefore, she is not that Special or UNIQUE. That is such a LIE!

Every woman has their own unique purpose. And that means, ladies,  we are not going to LOOK alike. And we are NOT all going to move out at the same time and move out in a group.

Own your own purpose and then you will be happy and fulfilled.   

There may come a time, where your life purpose is the only thing you have left on this earth. Your Life Purpose is like you’re  standing on a pitchfork that is shoved all the way into the ground. You stand firm. And you know. You know. You know….and you KNOW this is what you are meant to be doing. YOU stand FIRM!

  • Your Life Purpose will thrill your soul. Because GOD made you to sing, or run, or create a home for littles, build that business, start that non profit, run that marathon, write that book or books, create that movie, sing for the opera, sew those wedding dresses, bake for your own bakery, create your own farm, open up the book store, create that art, and paint for that famous museum. You are in sync to GOD when you are in your zone of purpose. 
  • Only YOU can do your LIFE purpose and it will juice you to get up and out of bed each day, especially from the age of 40’s on, once the littles grow up and head out on their own to do their life…if you have littles.

There is no greater joy than doing what you are created for. And you will know it. And it will require every ounce of your faith and more so to keep stepping forward! And you will GROW in love with the LORD that much more as He UNFOLDS more of your story! 

Are you ready to chat? Email!  or  Book a time!

And if you are ready to start today and waste no more time, buy the Recipes for Success and have fun and enjoy, see you inside, DIY Discover your Abundance of Purpose!

Please don’t be one of those women that make the BIG mistake, anyone can do it, so I will not! A LIE!