I grew up in the Midwest and on a farm, and grit work was well taught there. My mom cast a vision to me of touching lives through the written word. She had little down time with being a farmer’s wife and a mom of five. When she stopped in the evenings, she wrote with her favorite blue fountain pen in her diary. And then she touched countless lives by dropping a handwritten note in the mail offering her words of care, love, support, or sympathy.

And as a little girl I followed my mom. I started writing by keeping my words in a diary. But I locked up my words from eyes to see afraid I would be laughed at. And at the age of 9, I knew I was to become a school teacher. I accomplished that goal with receiving my teaching degree and headed out to teach children at the age of 22. In my early 40’s I sensed a shift, a change was brewing!

He’s always used books to teach me, especially His. And He was leading me to shift from teaching children to women. I then became a certified Life Purpose Coach® and Grief-Loss Coach for women. And coach, speak, teach and write on behalf of the needs of harried, hurting and hungry women is His call. I never dreamed of seeing my name on a book, it’s more the call, the passion to teach His Word and His way.

And writing is a form of teaching.

I had a few limiting beliefs or lies that were stuck to me that I needed to release:

  •  I cannot write.
  • Who will read this anyhow?
  • I write too personal and detailed.
  • This is too hard.
  • I need to change the way I write.
  • I will never finish writing a book, so why start?
  • My story is too long and too heavy and too hard…

Do you have limiting beliefs that derail you? What do you say to yourself to stop your writing?

Writing. Blogging. And to get published will take you much work, effort. It requires re-writes and years of pitching to get published. And it all begins with growth work in the mind. Change your lies out for the TRUTH. Determination. Push through. When you know you are called to deliver a message, will you obey?

Years ago, at a writer’s conference along the shores of Lake Michigan I took an old key as a symbol of my locked up stories, and threw it in the lake. It was my surrender that God has my stories for His glory and way. The message of who God is, what He has done, and been in my life, far outweighs and runs over past fears, fusses, and the frustration of writing. If I were not to write, I would deny bringing glory to the Lord with the vested interest He has poured into my life.

 “ For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me” (Colossians 1:29 NASB).

  • Do you know the one liners you say, often sabotage your life dreams? They’re sneaky, subtle, and often severely ignored. They leave men and women lingering and lost on their life purpose pathway.
  • Be proactive. Take inventory and discover your nay saying lies and prepare to uproot them from your heart and plant the seeds of Truth.

 I will be teaching on how Limiting Beliefs Derail Us in our writing in Grand Rapids, MI at  See You at The Well Conference . I would love to meet you there. More info here. Meet me at The Well!

What is one of your limiting beliefs?