A divorce is hard enough, but then at the holidays!

Remind yourself, you still have a life and a purpose.

I know so!

You maybe asking yourself many questions:

Who will help me?

  • You were made by God and for GOD and He can sustain you if you are willing to turn to Him.

I did not want the divorce, why, God?

  • You may never understand on this side of heaven. Yet, it might be best you don’t know all the garbage!

Will I ever heal?

  • Yes, if you allow God to heal you.  BIG warning, don’t numb the pain with addictions. It only turns and bites you later on if you do not grieve the emotional pain. Learn to Love GOD’s way and your joy cup will be filled up. 

This was not part of my dream, now what? 

  • I understand that BIG time, but GOD can make a way. I know so.

I do not want to live alone, how can I go on?

  • If you are a child of GOD, you are never alone, as He is within you. Believe. Then learn to connect with other people.

My regrets consume me, how can I let them go?

  • Begin with owning your own junk and forgiving yourself. 

I am stuck in misery, who cares?

God cares. Believe. Me too as Hearts with a Purpose is all about God, women and growth no matter your story.

The self-loathing and pity party is getting worse, how can I stop the self-defeat?

  • Admit it, turn from it, and starve it. 

Where do I go for help? God. Truth, the Bible and I coach women right where they are at in life. I love seeing women step from pain to purpose. I am afraid I will exhaust my friends. Balance that, our friends are not meant to fill us up, they are not GOD.

Will another man fill me up?

  • No he will not. A man is not meant to meet all our needs, God is.  The more you know the Lord and know how much He loves you, then you can love well and not expect others to fill you up.

I have no ambition, what do I do?

  • Oh, coaching would empower you and help you get centered to all of you and what next?

He vowed to never divorce me.

  • Remind yourself, that is on him to carry. And he will be held accountable someday before God. He will be.

I never wanted my kids to go through this, now what?

  • I understand. Who wants their kids to have pain because of  a failed marriage? Not I. Pray for them. Love them.

So if you landed on this blog post and are facing a divorce this holiday season, I am sorry.

I offer you:

Here is my first book free to offer hope and truth. Book ONE!

Two, feel free to sign up for this Grief-loss coaching inventory .Grief-Loss Inventory for women!

Three, if you want to get unstuck, step in coaching. Coaching to change your life!