How do you pull up the dead roots in your life?

This past summer, I visited my brother and his wife at their lake house. My brother, Bill, was in need of getting a tree out of their yard, henceforth, this heavy stump.

As we visited, my brother sawed one root away, and another root, and slowly hacked away. To make things more interesting, my brother had recently had surgery, and it had only been 14 days since the no lifting ban had been lifted.

So, we: his wife, my sister, my niece, and I walked over and said, “Can we lift the stump up and put it on the trailer?” Oh my goodness, three of us grabbed it and perhaps it weighed 400 or 500 pounds. It didn’t budge. Totally dead weight and this stump is chucked full of soil wrapped up in one root and more roots, making it extremely heavy!

We went back to visiting.

My brother continued hacking one root away by one root. When we were about ready to leave, we checked its size again, and no way could we lift it out of there.

We could compare this dead stump a few different ways.

But of course, my mind goes to how I work and coach women. We can have some good roots in life attached to the Truth, the Word of God. But, often the lies crowd out the Truth and destroy the good roots, causing a woman to get stuck, heavy, stopped, and stalled out. If you look, there is NO ROOM for growth in this stump as the deadness surrounds all the dead roots.

  • And of course this stump is totally dead as it is pulled from its power source, the ground for growth.
  • And women that do not believe and apply the Word of God, deny their True power source.
  • Sometimes women have heard so many lies, that they have to cut away root by root to try and find what is the TRUTH!
  • In order to allow new growth in, we must pull up the dead root(s) and get rid of them.
  • Then plop in a seed of the Truth to grow real and upright growth! “And those are the ones sown with seed on the good soil; and they hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirty, sixty, and a hundred times as much” (Mark 4:20 NASB).

 Do you want to pull up your roots that are lies?

  • I am worthless. 
  • I am a failure.
  • I cannot.
  • I am a loser. 
  • And many more lies women say to themselves…   By the way, I help women uproot the lies, through coaching, so a woman can harvest good from her life.
  • Do you want your roots to run down deep to the Truth so you can have good growth from your life?
  • If so,  Schedule a time to connect with me.  Schedule a time to chat now!