How do I face an empty nest?

Your last child flew the nest, another is off to college and one married this past summer. Now you wonder, how in the world can I do this? An empty house without kids? No more showers running in the wee hours of the morning nor phones pinging from the upstairs bedrooms, the cupboard doors are silenced, and the pile of shoes by the front door have disappeared.

Now what?

 Let me give you about 20 tips as I have been there, done it, and am way on the other side of it.

 And let me add a little side note, not all moms have the blessing of seeing their kids off and to soar.

Disruptions. Divorce. Deaths. Interruptions. Accidents. Health Crisis.

Sometimes a child is taken or leaves one way or the other and a mom feels they’ve not completed their mothering role. So if you’re one of the fortunate moms that comes home to an empty house and your spouse is there too, with love, you have a lot to be thankful for precious woman.

  1. Know you did your job. It happens. Kids grow up and leave the nest.
  2. Embrace the quiet home. Yes, embrace it. Do not run away from the silence. Invite the silence to speak to you and about you at home. You can learn tons if you are willing to listen.
  3. Embrace the new reality daily.
  4. Do not text your teen daily, like multiple times. Let them be. DO not become a co-dependent needy mom.
  5. Sit in the stillness with quietness.
  6. Weep, it is okay.
  7. Recognize areas you need to grow up from and grow out of.
  8. Give yourself a few weeks to change and then they will be home for Thanksgiving.
  9. Life is full of changes.

  10. You are just beginning in many ways.
  11. You do have a Life Purpose.
  12. Yes, you love your kids, but there is more for you that God has.
  13. Discover you and your life without wearing the mom hat.
  14. Exercise.
  15. Do not isolate.

  16. Be coached to discover you.
  17. The worst thing you can do is stop growing from the inside out.
  18. Pray for your kids.
  19. Grieve the letting go.
  20. Receive all that God has for you in this new season.

What will you try or was helpful?

And if you are stuck, learn to come alive through coachingBe coached to live!