Are you in bondage to perfectionism?

Perfectionism is a robber!

I thought it was only my idol until I went through coach training and then began coaching women.

  • Perfectionism holds women captive to perform and a standard that is unrealistic.
  • Perfectionism is a false god and wants us to stroke it and bow to it.
  • It’s impossible for it to be fulfilled, as it is a bottomless pit.
  • It’s bondage.

I am a recovering perfectionist and I’m thankful God has shattered that idol in my life.  

However, there are times I must remind myself that I’m not bowing to it—again.

Recently I received a text from one of my Hearts with a Purpose Board members saying I spelled pornography wrong in my newsletter. Goodness I thought to myself, watch your typing. And I text back to her thank you!

THAT text reminded me of a situation that occurred back in 2008 after I sent out my first newsletter. A woman emailed me then and told me… “I forgot a , or a . or misspelled a word.” I no longer recall exactly what.

Back in 2008 when I hit the send button, to my first newsletter, I knew I was opening myself up to more rejection and whatever women or men wanted to throw at me.  I was still in bondage to a lot of fear. And FEAR is ALL around perfectionism like white lace until you unravel it.

Today, the text or emails don’t derail me. They cause me to want to improve, learn, and be more cautious.

Am I going to mess up and make typos? I prefer not, but most likely will.

Am I going to have a bad hair day? You bet, by the way for those of you that don’t know, silver is my new hair choice. It matches my story. Redeem. Restore. And discover. (New pictures are in the works.)

Am I going to goof and  call a lady by the wrong name, oh yes, and I had to apologize recently to a client…goodness.

Am I going to have a difficult time pronouncing some of the lovely ladies names that I meet, oh yes. I have them repeat their name, until I can pronounce it well. 

 Perfectionism stops US. It almost took my life purpose from me.

What about you, is perfectionism holding you captive?

Will you allow it to rob you?

Be set free!

 I know the way. Book 30 free minutes of coaching with me~