What can come forth?

Cups. Cups. Cups.

 They can be colorful, decorated, and be full of tea, coffee, and/or your favorite drink.

But what about the stories in your CUP of LIFE?

The story that you didn’t sign up for, the stories you detest, or the ones that brought you much pain in life?

After all Jesus said,   “… the cup which the Father has given Me, am I not to drink it?” John 18:11b

What can come forth?

Cups. Cups. Cups.

What cup has He allowed in your life and entrusted you with?

See the pink cup above?  I’ve written about this cup. Matter of fact it’s book size. Waiting for its release into the world.

A cup that God entrusted into my life and definitely not one I signed up for.

Cups. Cups. Cups.

What about you?

  • Is there a cup you want to explore, pour out, and learn what God wants you to do with it?
  • Or are you feeling stuck with this cup, yet uncertain how to pour forth from it?

What cups has God already used in your life and you have poured forth? Love to read. Post.

Yet, if you are uncertain and the cup is heavy, hard, and overflowing with a mess, reach out and schedule a coaching session, as your mess can turn into a life message. I know so. Step and try coaching!