10 ways for creatives to invite inspiration!

  1. Change your furniture around

  2. Paint a room or a wall

  3. Read outside

  4. Walk on a trail

  5. MOVE

  6. Travel

  7. Sit still. Listen

  8. Wear colorful clothes

  9. Eat new recipes 

  10. And I’ll share one of my favorite inspirational scenes with you.

10 ways for creatives to invite inspiration!

I get up early at the lake house. Brew my coffee, then I head to the deck with my coffee in hand plus my blue shoulder bag full of books, my Bible, pink legal pad, and blue ink pen.

On this June Saturday morning, the sun rays dance off the white picket fence to the right of me. The deck chair is a bit damp from a cooler night. I sit. Get settled. Sip coffee and grab my pen and paper.

My job, listen and write. I love this time. RECEIVE!

  The sun glows as it peeks up from the east straight in front of me.

The lake wiggles and shines. Glistens! It’s going to be a HOT a day!

Birds chirp and chatter back and forth in their own language.

A squirrel pauses two feet away from me and lifts its front paws like it is praying with me.

AC hums. Yet, I can hear crickets in concert.

Deck floor boards creak, as my sister tosses me a beach towel to cover my chilly legs.

Then silence arrives, all but the AC sound.

Reflection. Beauty all around. THANKFUL!

The water shimmers back as if to smile at me.

The neighbor’s stir. Screen door bangs. The water nozzle turns on. 

Birds chirp overhead.

Motor vehicle in the distance revs up.  Motor boat kicks in. I squint to see the direction of that boat.

Tweet. Chirp.

I write three pages.

Then I open my Bible and devour more of His Truth and from my daily devotionals. And yet, GOD’s already spoken to me through His Creation.  For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, being understood by what has been made, so that they are without excuse” ( Romans 1:20 NASB).

Try this exercise. Grab pen and paper and go listen as the world wakes up.  Let me know if you like it and what you learn!

And if you have already done this, what do you like the most?

Ready to create and launch more of your dreams…let’s work together! Launch YOU!