How to prepare our hearts for conferences?

We try to hide the TRUTH within our hearts and act like chameleons.

UNTIL, we get sick and tired of faking it and the conviction that GOD sees within our heart. And some of the messy, murky, malicious meanness, rubs us wrong to change, and we confess and repent. Meaning – change our ways!

So how does one prepare for Conferences?

Read my guest blog post over at SpeakUp  today!

  • Your blog post was good! JG
  • Great blog… I’ve been reading about the “7 deadly sins” as well as the Enneagram so envy and lust have both been on my mind so this is timely! Thanks too, for your advice as we face the Speak Up Conference. I thought what you highlighted was right on! Helping us deal with our expectations and the firehose of info and advice we are about to receive : ) JH

SpeakUp 2022!