Are you living intentional?

Over the last few years, we have faced COVID and the pandemic. Then the USA elections during the pandemic. And now with the war in Ukraine, and it comes up close to us, as we see it on social media. And also we know people that live there perhaps, or we’ve traveled there, and missionaries that are there. It breaks our heart. ( I adopted my son from Ukraine and know of others that live there. Pray, I ask.) 

Scripture says, “So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12 NASB).

Let me ask you, are you living your life intentional in spite of all that is swirling around? 

Are you numbering your days so when you hit your bed at night, you are thrilled to know you stepped to His call and lead.

Intentional means:

  • Done on purpose.
  • Deliberate.
  • Calculated.
  • Conscious.
  • Intended Planned.

We all have the same number of hours in a day. We can easily say, yes, to that and this and that. But is that YES in your life purpose lane?

Are you living life in that focused zone? When you say, YES, you are giving the BEST YES to the best event that God wants you to.

Our world NEEDS you.

Think back to Mary, mother of Jesus, she too lived in uncertain times. And didn’t know the ending to her story, but she did accept her assignment from Father God!

Now look at Queen Esther, stepping before the King and putting her life on the line. BOLD. She took no break.

What about you?

What is the call on your life as if Jesus was looking at you and summing you to come closer as I have something good for you to step into, to deliver to the hurting people He has prepackaged you for.

God sees it all. Your life. Your purpose. Focus. Take action. EMail!

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