How do I become emotionally well?

These two emails arrived in my inbox within 12 hours. I kept thinking what a match! 

One woman shares her problem and the other shares her solution.

The first email came in on a Sunday night and I could feel the woman’s pain as I read. I edited to protect the writer.

It is incredibly uplifting to my soul to listen in or read any of your messages here on FB. You speak directly to the wounds I still am triggered by on a regular but still surprise basis. They blindside me often and produce anxiety attacks that, at least now, I know there origin.

 Thank you for tackling the purpose of helping women thrive…we need this…the world is painful and wearisome, but to survive a very broken promise of love in the home, narcissistic abuse, spiritual abuse and fear mongering…these things wear one to the bone emotionally, spiritually, and mentally in cognitive functioning areas.

 To read of living with fear, lost voice of the soul, such things ought not to be so common for believing women in Christian homes, but they are.

 I am in my 50s and feeling like an insecure twelve year old…as though I lost  wisdom, security, worth, clear thinking, articulation, all of me and I am not sure I have found her again.

 I still feel flattened…not alive inside so many days. With all my heart, I KNOW the heavenly Father has done great things in the suffering. He is at work, His grace and mercy kept me alive when I wanted to die….He knows why I put on such a great face of holiness and happiness like a good Christian woman SHOULD. Submission and obedience were the keys to survival after all.

 I know that Jesus is being formed in me…even as depression or anxiety come, I want to glory in those moments so I know all hope comes from him. But, ministries like yours are still so necessary.

Many women I coach face emotional wounds from living for years in emotional abuse.

The next morning I received this from a woman.

This is a little of what I received from you coaching me…..and I can’t thank you enough!!! When you first approached me about Life coaching I had no idea what that was or why anyone would need a Life Coach. Little did I know it would be the best investment in myself that I would ever make!

You helped me to find my “voice” which I realized had been suppressed since my childhood.  You helped me to realize that I am in control of my decisions and not anyone else. I spent most of my life thinking my happiness was or should be determined by others. Your coaching helped me to realize that my happiness comes from within myself. But most of all your coaching has helped me to put God front and center in my life! Annette❤

I want to thank both of these women. And both gave me permission to share.

Annette is a bold, victorious woman who is smiling and stepping free and living life expecting much more. When I first met her…she screamed LEADER all over her, yet she was crushed inside!  God has a plan for her life and she fully knows that. Also, Annette did the hard work of 18 months of coaching and I am very proud of her. (Women, it takes time to shift and unlearn, relearn, and put Truth into action.)

And Annette has written a slice of her story for one of my future books and it’s a tough story to share. 

Now, the other woman is stepping as well. She is receiving my newsletter and is reading book one of the Enable Me, Lord, to Shift series. And perhaps, in time she too will step toward coaching. But she wrote and stated her pain. That is BIG for women. 

Where are you at precious reader?



Hungry for more meaning in life, and you wonder how in the world am I to go forward with emotional pain?

Please know.. we were made NOT to have emotional pain grow within us. That was not God’s plan.  Let’s chat and take steps like Annette.

Book 30 free minutes of coaching with me~

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